Funny Mba Essay Questions Text

Jonathan Friesen - Writing Coach

I started the mba application process what feels like ages ago even though it was only round 1. I feel like i have learned so much about essay writing and about myself in the process. With hindsight being 20/20, i would like to share a bit of advice with those starting their applications in round 3. Before writing one word of your essays: stop, take a minute and answer four questions. These four questions will save you some time and bring focus to your application package, giving you a leg up on many other applicants. Note: not every school uses the information covered in the following four questions in their essays although many top schools do. Nevertheless, this exercise will benefit you in one or more aspects of the application process, especially if you get the coveted invitation to interview! the classic where do you see yourself in five years? question is important because an mba is a professional degree and schools want to know whether they are letting someone in who is going to be a good alumni and a good ambassador of the university’s brand.

They want someone with focus whose short term career goals are benefitted by pursuing an mba. But how do i actually fill in that blank? many applicants have a general idea about what they would like to do right after school but their general idea is very. My advice is to take that general idea and do some research on google and use linkedin to refine your short term career goals. If you still need to confirm your goal is the right fit and, of course to get more details so that you can write and speak intelligently on the subject , you can do informational interviews, talking to people who are doing something similar to what you want to do. It might seem clear to you why you want an mba and how your path has brought you to the point where you are ready to pursue it, but you will need to spell that out in your essays for the adcom. If you can’t articulate what you have done that will make you successful in the future the adcom might not ‘get’ how awesome you are.

So, do you a favor, take some time to think it through, write it down and parse it out. When answering the ‘why mba?’ question it is important to be specific about the school. So for instance, of course all mbas teach finance, marketing and strategy, but your dream school probably has a specific professor who teaches x class that you know will just blow your socks off. Write that down and also write down how it will equip you to get to your short term goal covered in question 1. Perhaps there is also a club that will help you get your foot in the door with company y. And do your research! this question is otherwise known as your long term career goals. You have to spell out for the adcom how your short term career goals will be the building block for your long term career goals.

Also ask: is it realistic? is it a fairly common career path? these are questions that the adcom will ask themselves. If you start at your short term career goals, where will you be in 7 10 years? one way to screw this up is to not be genuine or to try and impress the adcom with a big title. Another way is to have it not align your long term career goals with your short term career goal at all. Your short term goal is to be a brand manager at a consumer goods company but your long term goal is to be vp of technology at an internet company? interesting. mbagirljourney is a young east coast professional who blogs about her mission to land a seat in a top 10 mba program and to finance her higher education responsibly.

 she was recently admitted to a top tier program and now offers affordable resume and essay editing services to help other applicants.  to see more posts from mbagirljourney, visit /media/images/mba2/banners/global/166836656_4.jpg?h 267 amp la en amp w 690 /%% %%img src %%img src %%img src %%img src practice for your interview by preparing answers to these commonly asked questions: tell me about yourself. your answer should be 2 3 minutes long. Talk briefly about: your undergraduate education and why you chose the major you did your work experience and accomplishments your career goals why do you want to earn a graduate business degree? explain in detail your motivation for pursuing a graduate business degree and how the degree will further your career goals. why are you interested in this school/program? list all the reasons the school/program is ideally suited for you, from location to faculty to coursework to the school rsquo s connections with industries or companies that match your career goals.

why should we admit you? explain how your academic and professional accomplishments make you an ideal fit for the program and how the program will help you achieve your career goals. talk about your accomplishments as a leader. have several leadership examples prepared, both from work and in your volunteer and community roles. what are your strengths and weaknesses? pick three strengths that set you apart and that you can back up with examples. For example, you could explain how your impatience allows you to get things done quickly. do you have any questions about the school or program? have a selection of specific program or school related questions ready, which shows that you are a serious candidate and have done your research.

Five tips for a successful interview stand out in the b school admissions process with these best practices and advice. How to survive your mba admissions interview want to ace your business school interview? get five tips from an admissions team member on how to ensure you are ready. As our 1 favorite business school. yay to stern! they have gone back to their roots. Theyve simplified their requirements by focusing in on the two questions that make them stern: a very well crafted career goals question, and their classic personal expression essay, which is now required. For the past two years it was optional, and applicants could choose a what if? type question about an alternate career path which we never felt was that great.