Exploratory Essay on Culture Text

Jonathan Friesen - Writing Coach

The purpose of an expository essay is to present, completely and fairly, other people's views or to report about an event or a situation. Expository writing, or exposition, presents a subject in detail, apart from criticism, argument, or development i.e. Such writing is discourse designed to convey information or explain what is difficult to understand. Exposition usually proceeds by the orderly analysis of parts and the use of familiar illustrations or analogies.

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such an analysis requires

    reading with understanding the ideas developed in an article by clearly stating another's thesis, outlining the facts used by the author to support that thesis, and the values underlying the ideas putting what is read into a larger context by relating another's article or book to other work in the field clearly and effectively communicating this information to a defined audience. In other words, you must write clearly and fully enough for your readers to know how you have arrived at your analyses and conclusions. They should never have to guess what you mean give your readers everything they need to know to follow your reasoning
this practice is not just for students. Like any other fundamental skill, it must be constantly practiced in order to maintain and improve it. Other goals, such as learning time management and note taking, are also developed by this activity.

Do not be afraid to revise your essay! in fact, you will probably want to change it at least once this is called thinking through a 'problem' or learning. the revisions will consist of the following:

    finding the precise words to express your thoughts correcting typographical, spelling, and grammatical errors making sure that your paragraphs are tight and sequenced properly making sure that the transition segue from one major topic to another makes sense
expository essays also have a distinct format. The thesis statement must be defined and narrow enough to be supported within the essay. Each supporting paragraph must have a distinct controlling topic and all other sentences must factually relate directly to it. The transition words or phrases are important as they help the reader follow along and reinforce the logic. Finally, the conclusion paragraph should originally restate the thesis and the main supporting ideas. Finish with the statement that reinforces your position in a meaningful and memorable way.

Here are some popular essay topic examples for expository essay type: explain three main interpretations of green marketing explain how fashion changes in 1920 influenced fashion trends today explain major ecological changes what is love explain the consequences of nationalism choosing the essay topic you are familiar with will help you to write a successful expository essay. In english, is professor emeritus of rhetoric and english at armstrong atlantic state university and the author of two grammar and composition textbooks for college freshmen, writing exercises macmillan and passages: a writer 39 s guide st. A short work of nonfiction in which a writer works through a problem or examines an idea or experience, without necessarily attempting to back up a claim or support a thesis.

In the tradition of the essays of montaigne 1533 1592 , an exploratory essay tends to be speculative, ruminative, and digressive. 34 i t is easy to see that expository composition writing whose great virtue is to confine the reader to a single, unambiguous line of thought is closed. Continue reading below 34 the expository essay tries to prove all of its contentions, while the exploratory essay prefers to probe connections. Exploring links between personal life, cultural patterns, and the natural world, this essay leaves space for readers to reflect on their own experience, and invites them into a conversation. Milkweed, 2010 continue reading below 34 i have in mind a student writing whose model is montaigne or byron or dequincey or kenneth burke or tom wolfe. The writing is informed by associational thinking, a repertory of harlequin changes, by the resolution that resolution itself is anathema. Covino, the art of wondering: a revisionist return to the history of rhetoric.

Boynton/cook, 1988 montaigne on the origin of the essays 34 recently i retired to my estates, determined to devote myself as far as i could to spending what little life i have left quietly and privately it seemed to me then that the greatest favour i could do for my mind was to leave it in total idleness, caring for itself, concerned only with itself, calmly thinking of itself. I hoped it could do that more easily from then on, since with the passage of time it had grown mature and put on weight. Penguin, 1991 characteristics of the exploratory essay 34 in the quotation from montaigne above , we have several of the characteristics of the exploratory essay. The justification for this personal approach rests in part on the assumption that all people are similar montaigne implies that, if we look honestly and deeply into any person, we will find truths appropriate to all people. Third, notice the extended use of figurative language in this case the simile comparing his mind to a runaway horse.

Mcgraw hill, 1995 culture and entrepreneurship: an exploratory essay doraswamy rao the roles of culture and entrepreneurial disposition in entrepreneur ship have been widely researched. Some researchers have concluded that an individualist culture fosters entrepreneurial disposition and entrepreneurship while a collectivist culture retards them. Others introduction the issue of culture and entrepreneurship is of central importance to 58 fijian studies vol. But he left unattended the issue of whether culture really is a problem for entrepreneurship in fiji. A large number of researchers are now of the opinion that culture could explain either the presence or absence of entrepreneurial disposi tions in a population. An entrepreneurial culture generates entrepreneurial disposition and draws upon a variety of psychological, social, economic and environmental factors that include individualism, creativity, innova tion, materialism, hard work, vision, savings and investment, punctuality, strategic vision and government encouragement. The issue has often been viewed in terms of an individualism collectivism dichotomy.

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Many writers have associated entrepreneurship with individualism hofstede, 1980 hofstede and bond, 1988 busenitz and lau, 1996 epstein, 1996 dana, 1997. There is substantial literature suggesting that collectivism retards entrepreneurial development rakoto, 1975 hailey, 1987, 1988 ravuvu, 1988 davies, 20. From these works, one could conclude that cultures that foster individualism stimu late entrepreneurship. It is, however, still debatable whether certain individual personality traits could be isolated to explain individualism and thus entrepreneur ship. Gartner 1988 argues that any research that attempts to isolate per sonality traits associated with entrepreneurship has become dead end tasks. 1991 proposes that further research on the subject area is likely to yield diminishing returns.

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