Essay on Safety of Worker Is Whose Responsibility And How Text

Jonathan Friesen - Writing Coach

By dennis hartman, demand media workers have responsibilities to themselves and their colleagues. Jupiterimages/bananastock/getty images for a workplace to function, both employees and employers must live up to their responsibilities. While some of these responsibilities are formal and easy to understand or enforce, others are more difficult to conceive and enact. By understanding workplace responsibilities and working to meet them in all areas, a workforce can keep its members safe and productive. Some of an employee's more basic and important responsibilities involve meeting job expectations and fulfilling daily work duties. As a related workplace responsibility, employers must find ways to communicate what each worker's job entails. Formal job descriptions spell out employees' responsibilities clearly and in written form for future reference.

Performance evaluations help leaders ensure that employees are living up to their work responsibilities, or provide discipline or training when they aren't. An extension of self responsibility in the workplace is the list of mutual responsibilities that all members of a workforce share and have to one another. Workers are responsible for reporting illegal or suspicious behavior and policy violations. Everyone who works for a business has the responsibility of living up to the corporate code of ethics, which should appear in an employee handbook or training materials to establish consistency. Compliance with anti discrimination laws is another mutual workplace responsibility. all students, faculty, staff, visitors and guests every employee, student, or other person authorized to conduct activities at the university of california at berkeley is responsible to: comply with applicable environmental, health and safety laws and regulations, university policy and accepted safe work practices.

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Observe environmental, health and safety related signs, posters, warning signals and written directions. Be familiar with the emergency plan, the emergency assembly area and emergency coordinators for their building, and participate in emergency drills. Learn about potential hazards associated with their work and work area know where information on these hazards is kept for their review and use this information when needed.

Follow safe operating procedures and material safety data sheet msds guidance applicable to work performed, if the work involves hazardous materials. Follow procedures and observe precautions for the use of special materials such as carcinogens or biohazards , as detailed in the use authorization or other operating procedures. Curtail or stop their work if they reasonably believe continuation of the work poses an imminent danger to health or safety, and immediately notify a supervisor in the chain of authority over the work.

Report all unsafe conditions to their supervisor or safety committee as soon as is reasonably possible. the chancellor is responsible to: ensure the implementation and overall effectiveness of the university 39 s environmental, health and safety programs. Determine, with the advice of the environmental, health and safety policy committee or faculty committees related to particular environmental, health and safety matters, appropriate levels of responsibility on the campus for fulfilling the university 39 s commitment to provide a safe environment and to conduct its operations in compliance with applicable laws and regulations and accepted practices for health, safety and environmental protection.

vice chancellors are responsible to: communicate with their deans and directors about environmental, health and safety programs that need to be implemented through them. Ensure that their deans and directors take appropriate steps to implement the programs. Implement the university 39 s environmental, health and safety programs in all departments/units within their respective jurisdictions. Report to the chancellor on the effectiveness of, and the budget and resources needs for, these programs. deans and directors defined as academic and non academic deans, directors, assistant vice chancellors, associate vice chancellors, and associate deans are responsible to: ensure that environmental, health and safety obligations are carried out in the academic departments/administrative units under their control. Communicate to employees, students, visitors and guests that health and safety and a concern for the environment are top priorities on the berkeley campus, and that everyone shares in the obligation to perform work in a safe, healthful, environmentally protective manner.

The ultimate responsibility, however, for ensuring implementation of these programs at the academic department/administrative unit level remains with the deans and directors. managers defined as academic and non academic managers including principal investigators, other faculty and any other manager with direct oversight of operations are responsible to: ensure that environmental, health and safety obligations are carried out by everyone working in their operations. Communicate to their employees, students and visitors that health and safety and concern for the environment are top priorities on the berkeley campus and that everyone shares in the obligation to perform work in a safe, healthful, environmentally protective manner. Analyze work procedures to identify hazards ensure measures are implemented to eliminate or control those hazards. Ensure workplace hazards and environmental, health and safety related policies and procedures are communicated to employees, students and visitors. Ensure individuals working in their operations have the proper safety equipment and personal protective equipment to perform their work safely.