Do Students Get Too Much Homework Text

Jonathan Friesen - Writing Coach

Journalist karl taro greenfeld is well known for his reporting on asia. however, in a recent article in the atlantic, greenfeld wrote about the experience of doing his daughter’s homework for one week. He was alarmed by how much homework she was being assigned, and gave himself the challenge of doing the assignments alongside her. He found it incredibly difficult, as the headline of his piece suggests: my daughters homework is killing me. Greenfeld joins here amp now to discuss his article, and the reaction to it.

interview highlights: karl taro greenfeld

the takeaway from it, for one thing, there is an awful lot of homework. And the content of that homework varies very widely from stuff that is very thought provoking, that i found interesting and challenging, to stuff that seems a lot more like busywork that is very difficult to get done in a reasonable amount of time. memorization versus comprehension we were doing earth sciences and she had written down some notes that i found incomprehensible.

I’m going to use google translate…to get through a lot of my homework, and that is just what that’s going to be.’ it was a really impressive curriculum, and if she could somehow take aboard all that material, she would emerge a very well rounded and interesting person. So on the one hand, i fault them for the, what i consider sometimes, an excessive workload. On the other hand, i have to give credit in saying ‘these people are really trying their best to mold interesting and intelligent people. Do students get too much homework students are searching: write my paper for me more than ever before. There are also more companies answering their plea to: write an essay for me and some are much better than others.

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By daily mail reporter 1 21 mar 2014, updated 1 21 mar 2014 doing more than three hours of homework per night may be making your child sick. A study conducted by stanford graduate school of education surveyed more than 4,300 students from ten high performing public and private high schools in affluent california communities, and found that excessive homework causes high stress levels and physical health problems. 'we found a clear connection between the students' stress and physical impacts migraines, ulcers and other stomach problems, sleep deprivation and exhaustion, and weight loss,' co author of the study, denise pope, told cnn. A study conducted by stanford graduate school of education found that excessive homework causes high stress levels and physical health problems for children published in the journal of experimental education. The study found that while three hours of homework per night was 'average' for these students, there were children doing 'way more' as many as five hours per night. Fifty six per cent of the students in the study cited homework as a primary stressor in their lives, despite the fact that most u.s. Students' homework load has remained relatively stable since 1984, according to the brookings institute's 2014 brown center report on american education.

But in privileged schools, where competition among students is fierce and pressure of high academic performance overwhelming, many students describe schoolwork as a dominating force in their lives. With many parents worried that they had not seen their children for an entire weekend because they were attempting to complete homework assignments. 'we need intervention around homework,' said ms pope, adding that it's not just with high school students: 'we have the same data from the younger years.' 'we found a clear connection between the students' stress and physical impacts' the fact that children growing up in poverty are at risk for serious disturbances including drug and alcohol abuse, depression and anxiety, is well supported by research and widely accepted. But a growing body of research, including ms pope's study, reveals that privileged children may also be at risk thanks to the unrelenting pressure placed on them in school.