Criminal Law Essay Questions Text

Jonathan Friesen - Writing Coach

Following each question are suggested points or terms to include in a response. Moral imperative to obey international law framework for the conduct of global affairs states fear reprisals, sanctions. Reciprocity how has international law addressed war and aggression? rights of belligerents rights of neutral states during war un charter allows for self defense. How did the international community create the united nations? define collective security concert of europe: why started, why failed league of nations: why started, why failed un: how different functions, organs discuss the roles of igos and ngos in the international system.

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How does their participation impact state sovereignty? define igo role of state examples define ngo role of state examples please send comments or suggestions about this website to [email protected] read the following fact pattern, and answer the question. We recommend that you take this exam only after you have completed your study of rape, murder and related issues. Once you have completed the practice exam in the time allotted, then compare your answer with this criminal law sample answer.

Five male university students abe, bob, chris, dan and edward were on spring break. Abe said, if mary isn't willing to have sex with all of us, then we'll have to force her. Bob suddenly had a change of heart and said, i'm not going to go through with it, and i think all of you should stop as well. At that point, bob left the hotel room and went to his own room, but didn't do anything further.

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Chris, who was very drunk, then said i'm going to force her to have sex with me too. However, before he actually had intercourse with mary, chris passed out from the alcohol. Dan decided that since mary had said she wanted to have sex with him, it was ok and he proceeded to have sexual intercourse with the unconscious mary. Afraid that someone would hear the screaming mary, abe choked her until she was dead. Bob said that abe, chris and dan could spend the night in his room so that they wouldn't be found with the dead body. question: what crimes are the students guilty of? are there any possible defenses? for purposes of this question, consider battery and assault to be lesser included offenses under the greater charge of rape. In your actual exam, you may want to cite cases depending on what your professor wants.

However, because casebooks vary widely between schools, we have not included cases in the sample answer or analysis. once you have completed the practice exam in the time allotted, then compare your answer with this criminal law sample answer. Michael smith was canoeing down the rifle river in michigan with his wife and two children. About forty yards ahead of him, there was a group of people traveling down the river together. Smith saw boomer fall out of his canoe and into the river, at which point boomer loudly uttered a stream of profanities, while slapping the river and throwing his hands into the air. Kenneth socia, a road patrol deputy for the sheriff's department, who was on duty at the rifle river that day, heard a loud commotion and vulgar language coming from approximately one quarter mile up the river.

Socia looked up and saw boomer chasing a group of canoes, splashing water at them with his paddle, and repeatedly swearing at them. Smith says that boomer would have been able to see smith's two children, who were both under five years old. Socia issued boomer a citation for violating the following michigan statute: any person who shall use any indecent, immoral, obscene, vulgar or insulting language in the presence or hearing of any woman or child shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. In the one hundred year plus history of the statute, there are no published cases addressing the statute.

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