Animal Testing Essay Text

Jonathan Friesen - Writing Coach

Animal testing is a controversial topic, particularly amongst animal rights activists. Typically, it is used to test pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, and other products that may be used on or by humans. Scientists tend to use animal testing when there is a possibility that the substances used in the materials could cause harm to the person using them. With that being said, there are a number of reasons why animal testing should be banned. Of these, the most often cited is the fact that animal testing doesn’t conclusively prove that a substance, when used by or on a human, will be either safe or dangerous. Experts estimate that more than ninety percent of the tests that prove safe on animals end up actually being dangerous when applied to people. While no sane person would disagree that it’s better to test a chemical with unknown effects on a person instead of an animal, animal testing is rarely performed with the comfort of the test subjects in mind.

For instance, many small rodents used for tests are forced to live in crammed conditions, typically in spaces no larger than a shoebox. Larger animals are often contained to small cages with no opportunity to stretch their legs or run free, regardless of the actual experiments being formed. Additionally, animals are frequently tested for reasons that aren’t related to the safety of human beings. For instance, many experiments revolving around biochemistry involve the administration of pain simply to see what changes take place in the brain. These animals are rarely offered any form of pain relief, and in some cases, may be left to suffer until they eventually die. There are certainly laws and ethical guidelines, but they’re generally broad enough that it’s easy for those performing the experiments to circumvent them.

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While an experiment testing for the biochemical reactions induced as a result of pain may produce valid, applicable data, there is nothing to prevent an experimenter from arbitrary cruelty. Any experiments performed on rodents, reptiles, birds, or fish are not required to be reported on through the animal welfare act. This means that it’s even more likely for these experiments to involve arbitrary and unnecessary cruelty.

Large mammals are protected by this act, but as stated above, the nature of the experiment doesn’t always result in any form of pain relief. Furthermore, many of the animals used for lab testing are dogs and cats – the same animals humans keep as pets and, eventually, bond with as family members. Animal testing should be banned if for no other reason than the fact that few of us would volunteer our cats, dogs, or other pets as lab subjects.

When considering whether or not one is in favor of, or against animal testing, they should consider whether or not they would allow their own pets to be experimented on in the same ways. Finally, it’s been shown that there are effective means of testing the safety of products for human use or consumption without using animals. They are often more expensive and require lengthier observations, though, so corporations avoid them to maintain a higher margin of profit.

It would be difficult for anyone possessing empathy to justify animal testing simply as a means of maintaining corporate profits. neither collects nor stores our customers' credit card information. I am very strongly against this topic and it needs to come to a stop immediately. Each year in the united states, an estimated seventy million animals are hurt and killed in the name of science by private institutions, household products and cosmetics companies, government agencies, educational institutions, and scientific centers. Innocent animals should not be treated badly and caused pain for the sake of a human 039 s safety. Some people argue that humans are not necessarily superior to animals, so why should animals be experimented on and made to suffer to protect human beings? do you know what animal testing is, what condition the animals live in, and what some alternatives to testing animals are? animal testing is the use of animals in biological, medical, and psychological studies.

Experiments on animals help scientists increase knowledge about the way the human body works. In the united states, scientists perform experiments on more than twenty million animals each year. Medical researchers study animals to get a better understanding of body processes in humans and animals. They use many animals to study the causes and effects of illnesses, such as cancer and heart disease. Some popular companies that still test on animals are band aid, clorox, febreze, maybelline, and many more. Right now, millions of mice, rats, rabbits, cats, dogs, and other animals are locked inside cold cages in labs across the country.