Research Paper About Depression Text

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Depression expert nancy schimelpfening has been the depression expert since the inception of the site in april 1998. She also serves as the administrator for a non profit depression support group called depression sanctuary. Unfortunately, i cannot grant personal interviews to students who are writing research papers.  you should, however, have plenty of good ideas for what you would like to include in your research paper after looking over this list of topics. Everyone experiences times when they feel a little bit blue or sad.  this is a normal part of being human.  depression, however, is a medical condition which is quite different from everyday moodiness. There are several different types of depression, depending upon how an individual 39 s depression symptoms manifest themselves.  depression symptoms may vary in severity or in what is causing them.  they may also be part of an illness called bipolar disorder, which includes fluctuations between depression and a state of extreme elation called mania. Continue reading below however, it is most likely that depression results from an interplay of genetic vulnerability and environmental factors.

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Certain risk factors may make a person more prone to developing depression, such as a family history of depression, adverse childhood experiences, stress, illness and being female.  this is not a complete list of all risk factors, however, it 39 s a good place to start. In some ways, the diagnosis of depression is more an art than a science.  doctors must generally rely upon the patient 39 s set of symptoms and what they can observe about him during their examination in order to make a diagnosis.  while there are certain laboratory tests which can be performed to rule out other medical illnesses as a cause of depression, there is not yet a definitive test for depression itself. Philadelphia: mosby elsevier, 2004. major depression definition major depression is a medical illness that is characterized by feeling of sadness, disappointment, and despair. It is a whole body illness that involves emotional, physical, intellectual, social, and spiritual problems. Also called major depressive disorder and clinical depression, it affects how a person feels, thinks and behaves. They may have trouble doing normal day to day activities, and depression may make them feel as if life isn't worth living.

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Signs and symptoms depression can change or distort the way someone sees their self, their life, and those around them. People who have depression usually see everything with a more negative attitude, unable to imagine that any problem or situation can be solved in a positive way. Depression can appear as anger and discouragement, rather than feelings of sadness. If depression is very severe, there may also be psychotic symptoms, such as hallucinations and delusions.

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Depression symptoms in children and teens can be a little different than they are in adults. In younger children, symptoms of depression may include sadness, irritability, hopelessness and worry. Symptoms in adolescents and teens may include anxiety, anger and avoidance of social interaction. Changes in thinking and sleep are common signs of depression in adolescents and adults, but are not as common in younger children. In children and teens, depression often occurs along with behavior problems and other mental health conditions, such as anxiety or attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder adhd. Depression is not a normal part of growing older, and most seniors feel satisfied with their lives.

Many adults with depression feel reluctant to seek help when they're feeling down. In older adults, depression may go undiagnosed because symptoms for example, fatigue, loss of appetite, sleep problems or loss of interest in sex may seem to be caused by other illnesses. Older adults with depression may say they feel dissatisfied with life in general, bored, helpless or worthless. They may always want to stay at home, rather than going out to socialize or doing new things. Suicidal thinking or feelings in older adults is a sign of serious depression that should never be taken lightly, especially in men. Of all people with depression, older adult men are at the highest risk of suicide.

Medications and psychological counseling psychotherapy are very effective for most people. In some cases, a primary care doctor can prescribe medications to relieve depression symptoms. However, many people need to see a doctor who specializes in diagnosing and treating mental health conditions psychiatrist.

Many people with depression also benefit from seeing a psychologist or other mental health counselor. Usually the most effective treatment for depression is a combination of medication and psychotherapy. Medications: types of antidepressants include: selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors ssris , serotonin and norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors snris , norepinephrine and dopamine reuptake inhibitors ndris , atypical antidepressants, tricyclic.

Show more i 039 m just starting the thesis portion of my research paper on depression. Over the past few week 039 s i 039 ve gathered a lot of research over just about anything and everything in regard to depression, but i can 039 t figure out what exactly i want to argue. After thinking about this and researching more i realized that i would not be able to fill ten pages on this. What are some other arguments to make about depression? i want to focus mainly on depression in adolescents too. Subtopics so far: prevalence whether it 039 s more common in girls or boys, age range, etc. Illegal drug effects legal drug effects antidepressants depression has long since been the plague of humanity. Whether it is a biochemical disorder or mourning the loss of a loved one, nearly every human being has experienced the blues.

It is that cold sense of apathy that lurks below the surface, siphoning your emotions and your ability to react to your surroundings. Eventually, you are reduced to staring listlessly at nothing while the world continues without you a world that, in your opinion, would perhaps be better off if you did not exist. Such thoughts as those often occupy the mind of a depressed individual, haunting them until they simply cannot bear to live anymore. An american psychiatrist by the name of hugh storrow once claimed that depression . Probably causes more human suffering than any other single disease – mental or physical. Campbell, page 66 having personal experience and a family history of depression, i am well acquainted with the topic however, there were elements unknown to me that i found fascinating, so i took the time to research the subject further.

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Hippocrates, known as the father of medicine, was the first physician to identify depression as something more than just an emotional state of being. He put forth a conjecture that depression was caused by an excess of black bile, known as melan chole in greek. Campbell, page 67 in the age of ancient greece, the treatment for melancholia was to send the patient to hot springs in italy. Surprisingly, the treatment worked, though scientists discovered it was because the mineral spring was rich in lithium, a metallic element used in contemporary anti depressants. Many believed that melancholia was repentance for past sins – a form of divine punishment, even. Buddhists believe that finding pleasure in one’s surroundings is the basis for all suffering and that purposeful dysphoria is the first step on the path to salvation. The kaluli of papua new guinea supposed that one must express all of their emotions to achieve inner peace.

In turn, the balinese thought that experiencing emotions at a static rate will lead to a pure and refined internal self. Kleinman, 1985 depression is received in various ways across several cultures, but in the western world, it is prevalent in art and literature. The elizabethans of england prided themselves on their misery, as they believed melancholia was a disease that could only affect the intelligent and the elite. They empathized with shakespeare’s tragic hero, the melancholy dane known as hamlet. Campbell, page 67 the late 18th century brought forth the german sturm und drang movement, which took place in literature and music as a reaction to the enlightenment. Johann wolfgang von goethe is considered to be the figure head of sturm und drang, famed for his novel the sorrows of young werther, which was widely read across europe. It was perhaps too seriously received by young romantics, as it caused a string of suicides modelled after werther’s technique – blowing his brains out with a gun.