How to Do An Article Review for Psychology Text

Jonathan Friesen - Writing Coach

university of kentucky alexandra loukas, university of texas at austin scott c. Marley, arizona state university jake marszalek, university of missouri at kansas city catherine mcbride chang, chinese university of hong kong, china christine mccormick, university of massachusetts, amherst matt mccrudden, victoria university, new zealand mark mcdaniel, washington university p. If your instructor or professor has not provided a specific article for you to review, then you must choose one on your own. You can do this by searching your school library for journals in the area of psychology that interests you most. One of the most common journal indexes for searching for articles in the field is pyscinfo, which contains abstracts and references that will help guide you to an appropriate article. At first you may just skim the article and read the abstract, introduction and discussion sections to get a general overview of the study.

Read the paper again in its entirety, paying attention to the methods and results sections. Finally, read the paper a third time with an eye for asking questions about what the researchers have or have not done. Consider alternative explanations for the results from those provided by the authors of the article. As with all papers, creating an outline will help to keep your writing focused and organized. Your outline might include the following headings: study rationale, hypotheses, method, sample, results, major findings, and critique. In the rationale section, summarize the purpose for the study, why the researchers thought it was important and how they felt it would add to the existing literature on the subject.

If the study included hypotheses, list the precise hypotheses that were stated in the paper. The summary of the review should identify the type of research design experiment, correlational study, observational study , and contain a brief statement about how the study was conducted. Provide information about the sample characteristics, including the number of participants or observations , their basic demographics, and how they were recruited into the study. The results section should briefly summarize the results based on the original hypotheses presented. Critique the research question, design, analysis and conclusions as the final part of your review.

Spiritual psychology often proposes alternative spiritual perspectives as a way of delving deeper and getting to the source of problematic issues. These different views include a wide number of spiritual concepts and experiences that take us out of our normal way of perceiving. The field is founded on the belief that people want to lead meaningful and satisfied lives, to acquire what is best within themselves, and to increase their observations of work, love and play. related journals of positive psychology abnormal and behavioural psychology, journal of psychiatry, clinical and experimental psychology, journal of positive psychology, archives of general psychiatry, psychological bulletin, clinical psychology review, journal of consulting and clinical psychology, asian american journal of psychology, journal of positive psychology, positive psychology journals. Reverse psychology is a formal method which involves the championing of a belief or behavior that is opposite to the one want. In this method the person being maneuver is usually have no knowledge of the situation.

Reverse psychology is more likely to be successful with people who really have a high need for control. related journals of reverse pyschology mental illness and treatment, applied and rehabilitation psychology: open access, journal of experimental social psychology, european journal of social psychology, journal of cognitive psychology and advances in cognitive psychology, reverse pyschology journals. The main research goal in evolutionary psychology is to find and understand the design and function of the human mind. Evolutionary psychology is focused on how evolution has shaped the mind and behavior. Evolutionary psychology has roots in cognitive psychology and evolutionary biology.

In which knowledge and principles from evolutionary biology are put to use in research on the structure of the human mind. It is a study of way of thinking about psychology that can be applied to any topic within it. Humanistic psychology is an approach to psychology in which the whole person and the solitary of each individual studies done. Personality is studied from the point of view of the individual rsquo s subjective experience, it means the focus of psychology is not behaviour. The unconscious thinking or the human brain but how individuals perceive and interpret events. Criminal psychology is the study of the thoughts, wills, reactions and intentions of criminals, all that characterized in the criminal behavior. The study goes deeply into how and what makes someone commit a crime and also the reactions after the crime.

related journals of criminal psychology abnormal and behavioural psychology, mental illness and treatment, journal of police and criminal psychology, american journal of forensic psychology, criminal psychology journals, journal of police amp criminal psychology. Music is a vocal or instrumental sound which combined to produce harmony, beauty of form, and expression of emotion. Music psychology examines the psychological processes underlying activities such as playing, listening to, and composing music. Research in the psychology of music uses psychological theories and methods to explain and understand musical behaviours. related journals of music psychology international journal of school and cognitive psychology, applied and rehabilitation psychology: open access, journal of cross cultural psychology and journal of social, evolutionary, and cultural psychology, music psychology journals.