Essays About Your Future Life Text

Jonathan Friesen - Writing Coach

ϻ�your future is in your hand life is like a wheel, sometimes above, sometimes below, such is human nature in life. By era milieu is loaded with information and technology, the current momentum continues to move forward without delay. Therefore, young people should be prudent and should have plans in. Protected setup  wps , had a serious flaw that allowed an attacker to recover the router's password. 2  the wi fi alliance has since updated its test plan and certification program to ensure all newly certified devices resist attacks. Ask yourself these 3 questions and be honest:

    am i fulfilled and happy the majority of the time? do i clearly know what i really want in my life? do i know how i am going to get what i really want in my life?
if you answered yes to all 3, you do not need my help. Email and phone/skype question and answer session: exploring and verifying the what.

Face to face, ½ day minimum question and answer session: understanding the how. If you want some help to find out what you really want in life and how to achieve it, you need to make a move and get in touch our choices and decisions guide our lives and build our futures. Once a choice has been made, the actions play out, and the consequence is delivered we have to live with those consequences. Your choice, your consequence you choose whether or not you go to school, believe in a religion, make an honest living, and so much more. For example, you choose not to go to school, you don’t receive an education, you can’t get a decent job or career, and you face money troubles the rest of your life. The choices we make guide our lives and shape us into the person that we choose to be.

We control our own lives, no one can make our decisions for us, and the ultimate choice to live our lives lies within ourselves. I think that people tend to forget about or ignore the freedom that they have to make choices for themselves and decide what kind of life they wish to live. People let society tell them what they should be and what they should do, but it shouldn’t be this way. Think of our very own united states constitution freedom of speech, freedom of religion, and hundreds of other freedoms that we as americans and human beings have. The choices are ours to make, and we as a civilization have to be strong enough to stand up for what we believe in and make the choices that best suit us personally instead of making our choices solely to make others happy. I can say from experience that i have made plenty of choices based on what i thought other people wanted, and i can honestly say those are the decisions i regret the most.

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I resent living with regrets based off of choices i made to satisfy other people, i now realize that i have the freedom and right to make choices for myself. I realize that my choices are my own, and i realize that the consequences of my decisions will also be my own, and i will live with those consequences with no regret, and because of this, i will be happy with my choices. The definition of right and wrong differs from person to person it is up to each person individually to have their own morals and standards and make choices based on those morals and standards. Every person needs to be brave enough to make their own choices and knowing the consequences of those choices, be strong enough to live with those consequences, and be happy with their choices. Don’t let someone else’s wants guide your life, the freedom of choice lies within us all.

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If you enjoyed this essay, please consider making a tax deductible contribution to this i believe, inc. In this extract from his book, avi gordon looks at the most common questions asked by mba admissions officers, and offers advice on answering them. Avi gordon, mba admissions studio , mba admissions essays: the one question all business schools ask. From profile building to essay writing by avi gordon, mcgraw hill / open university press, 2005. The key to getting your admissions essays right is knowing what each question seeks – what the school expects from your response in each case, and what bonus information can legitimately be added.

Or do they? they appear different but if you look closely they are just variations on a few classics and the most common of all is why an mba? briefly assess your career progress to date. Elaborate on your future career plans and your motivation for pursuing a graduate degree at the kellogg school. Stripped of its verbiage this question always asks you: why do you need an mba, why now, and why from us? your response forms the backbone of your essay set and your whole application. If the question is broadly posed, as with kellogg above, all topics can be fully addressed. Notice, however, that stern does not ask for long term goals and lbs has a particular sub question. In general, shape your why an mba answer carefully to whether the question asks more about your past what has led you to want an mba? or about your future what will you do when you graduate? how will an mba help you? this essay should be done in a clear and straightforward way.

You can be creative in your answers to many other questions, but here it is risky. The committee is looking above all for unequivocal evidence of your professional maturity, as shown by your clarity of purpose. Show due diligence: the why an mba question is one of the best places to prove you have done your homework on the school, and to argue that there is a specific match between your agenda and what’s on offer.

Mention the school’s features, courses or extra mural opportunities, say which are relevant to you and why. Have definite goals: the admissions committee is looking for an organized career strategy that rests on solid self understanding. They want to know why you have made the decisions you made, how they have brought you to this point in your life, and where you are going from here. Goals can include broader, non career and personal or community aspirations – but your first priority is to establish a clear professional path. Connect past to future: the committee is asking how your past connects to your future via business school. Paint a picture of a future that rests naturally on your past, assuming the mba from the school in question. A generally versatile template is: start with your direct goal on graduation then give a sense of your long term major goals show why an mba is relevant to these goals, and why now bolster this with what in your past has led you to this point finish with the particular aspects of the target school that are relevant and attractive, given your stated goals.

Whether you want to manage a billion dollars, or create new brain technology industries, or fix africa – whatever it is, you should communicate high aspirations and a potential career worthy of an mba graduate in 20 years time. On the other hand you must demonstrate career path realism: your dreams will take a lifetime to mature, and even then they may not. You should sound like you understand how careers evolve in your field and the ways you might have to do your time even if highly paid before you become a true titan of your industry. Show first steps: the best don’t wait for acceptance of their b school application before getting on with their dreams. You raise you stock immeasurably if you can show you have already taken steps towards the goal you claim to aspire to. Have you done the certifications you need for your career move? do you have a plan for attracting investors to the business you hope to set up? convince the committee that you will make it happen no matter what – even if you don’t get into their school, or any school. Have a worthwhile future: faced with applicants who have equivalent grades and gmats, the admissions committee will promote those who are on a unique, interesting, worthwhile career mission.

You may have to work hard to polish up whatever dullness or omissions lurk in your past, but your aspirations are safely ahead of you where no committee can verify them. Don’t hedge on your aspirations: applicants sometimes say something like: i want to go to silicon valley and create a startup using my knowledge of xpf bio data mining. If that doesn’t work out i may go back to my old job at bear stearns, or join the family business. Adcom prefers to bet on candidates who have a single minded focus and who will do anything legal to realize their dream. Differentiate yourself: a common question is: should i include a family and kids in my stated life goals? the problem in doing this is not that you will appear a less serious candidate if you want a family it is that you will spend precious space talking about a very common goal. The committee will ask: is this aspiration logical? will s/he be recruited? copies of mba admissions strategy may be purchased through your local bookstore or or mcgraw hill or open up.

Avi gordon, mba, is director of the mba admissions studio, a specialist admissions coaching and essay editing practice for mba and executive mba applicants. A popular saying goes, marriage involves three rings: the engagement ring, the wedding ring, and the suffering. If it is commonly felt that marriage is so difficult, why do most people wish to get married? probably, the instinct to find a mate is inherent in human beings and i am no exception. Somehow, i believe that there is someone out there who was made specially for me, and, once i find him, we will fall in love, and get married and only then will i feel complete. So, how will i recognise my mr right? what qualities should i be looking for? first of all, i am not looking for mr tall, dark and handsome.