English Paper Citing Sources Text

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citation is a basic and essential part of academic writing at university. understanding the rules of citation in academic writing will also help you to avoid plagiarizing unintentionally. Plagiarism means taking someone else 39 s words or ideas and passing them off as your own. plagiarism of any sort is not tolerated at hkbu. academics in different disciplines use different citation styles. For those studying social sciences or psychology you will commonly use apa style. For those studying arts or humanities, y ou will commonly use mla style.

There are many different styles ask your professor which one you should be using. Other popular citation styles are: for a detailed comparison of apa, mla and chicago citation styles, a citation style chart is available at the purdueowl. If the one you need help with isn 39 t covered in this guide, come and ask a librarian. These directions show you how to quote from the texts you read in class poems, plays, novels, etc.

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For more thorough advice and examples, see the mla handbook for writers of research papers. When you cite either primary or secondary sources, be sure to make clear the purpose of the citation and how it fits into or supports your argument or analysis. In general, put page number s for the quotations in parentheses and list the edition of the work you are using at the end of the paper in your works cited, as shown in the examples below. Shorter quotations should be imbedded within the regular text, marked off with quotation marks and introduced with an appropriate punctuation, such as a colon or a comma: see examples below. Place the period ending the sentence last, after the quotation and the citation: here's the sample quote 1. Indent long quotations 100+ words or so, or more than 3 lines of verse , after providing an introduction to the relevance of the quotation to your paragraph's topic.

The normal way to introduce an indented quotation is with a colon, as shown in several of the examples below do not use a semi colon. Indent the quotation about 3/4 inch on the left margin and at least about one half to one inch on the right. Remember also that if you indent, you do not need quotation marks, except as they appear in the quotation itself. If you need to amend or correct quoted material with your own words, the best way to do this is with brackets: . To indicate deleted material, indicate in the parenthetical citation that the ellipses are your own: 205 06 my ellipses. Sic means that there is an error or solecism in the quotation that you are keeping in order to quote accurately sic means thus in latin. All of the following material offers general guidelines only it won't cover all possible situations.

Individual english and theatre department professors may also add to or amend these instructions as they see fit. If you have questions about citations in a specific paper, check with your professor. for my paper, i’m using several sources that i read in foreign languages.

Some of my other sources were originally written in foreign languages, but i read them in an english translation. How should i cite these works? for foreign or translated works, a reference follows the basic apa style templates, but you may need to add some additional information to get your reader to the source you used. For example, here’s how you would cite the original french edition of a work by piaget note that an english translation of the title is included in brackets: quotations and citing sources in papers


    Term papers are writing and intellectual exercises, designed to let you demonstrate in written form your mental abilities, primarily those involving analysis and synthesis. It bears repeating that you are expected to give your thoughts and work, although of course you often need to cite other sources. When you incorporate in your papers ideas or words which did not originate with you but rather with someone else, you must give due credit to the original author this also enables the reader to find that information if so desired. Failure to identify literary and intellectual 147 borrowings 148 constitutes plagiarism. Which is basically passing off as your own the actual words or even the thoughts of someone else, which is intellectual or literary theft.

when to site your source. you must cite your sources in term papers when:
    you use another person's actual words. Do not change the person's words, except to capitalize the first word or to omit part of the quote. You paraphrase another person's words, that is, express his or her ideas in other words or translate them into another language in this case quotation marks are generally not needed, but some type of reference is obligatory.
exception. ordinarily you do not have to indicate your source if you are giving information that is commonly known, such as information found in virtually any dictionary or common reference work. Examples would normally include the birth/death dates of a known author or the names of works he/she published.

translation of a title or quote. if you feel that it would benefit the readers of your work if you translated into spanish a title or quote you have given in another language, here are some recommendations:

    include your translation in parentheses after the quotation or in a footnote, and
make sure that the readers know that the translation is yours. In english the typical way would be to use the phrase 147 translation mine 148 in spanish we could use the phrase 147 traducci n m a. 148 for example: la m s famosa de las obras de rodr guez es short stories about my chicano friends cuentos cortos sobre mis amigos chicanos. how to cite sources. to give the source of the quote or idea you are encouraged to use the simpler form, often found in scientific and technical writing, where the information is given in simplified form in the text itself or in parentheses after the reference, rather than in a separate footnote or endnote.

1 one method for this is to use the author's last name 151 and if there is more than one work in your bibliography by this author, a short form of title or the date of publication 151 plus the page number s. Of course, full information on the work is given in the bibliography, including the author's full name, full title of the work, and the date and place of publication. Please note the following quotes are fictitious, used merely for the the sake of examples. example 1. if information about the author, the work involved and the page number is included in the text itself, nothing else is needed: en la p gina cinco de 147 an lisis de 145 el mareo 146 148 , mcgowen afirma que 147 este cuento representa. example 2. only one study by the author is given in the bibliography, and the author's name is indicated in the text itself: put the page number of the work in parentheses after the reference or quote: en uno de estos cuentos hay un hombre llamado ali que seg n mirza 147 sin duda alguna representa.

That is, page 14 of the work written by mirza which is listed in the bibliography. example 3. only one study by the author is given in the bibliography and the author's name is not mentioned in the text: include the author's name and the page number in parentheses after the reference or quote: se ha dicho que este ensayo de haney russell describe 147 los problemas que enfrenta a una mujer que est confusa sobre el amor. That is, page 125 of the work written by smith which is listed in the bibliography. example 4. the author's name is given in the text, but not the title of the work, and more than one work by this author is listed in the bibliography. For example, this individual is listed as having written both 147 la barca vieja 148 and 161 buen viaje. Put a short form of the title involved plus the page number in parentheses after the reference: en su pr logo metzger insiste en que hay 147 aspectos universales 148 en cuanto a las situaciones pintadas en la literatura contempor nea viaje vi. include quotes! for practice in using documentation of this sort, use at least two quotes in the analysis part of the 147 term paper 148 project.

If you use any of them, include the source given in that document 2 in your subsequent bibliography. Naturally, you don't have to agree with the quote feel free to contradict it if you wish. 1 footnotes 151 notes at the bottom of the page where the citation occurs 151 or endnotes 151 notes at the end of the document 151 are still used in academic articles and papers, but now are usually reserved for additional information. Other stylesheets are used for the preparation of scholarly papers, such as the chicago and the apa american psychological association styles. 2 that is: 1 there is supposedly a book named, espejos: comentarios sobre diecinueve cuentos contempor neos 2 the editor of the work is fred f. Jehle 3 the book is supposedly published by the ipfw fictitious press in fort wayne, indiana 4 the publication date is listed as 2003 4 page numbers are as listed in the web document. i have to do a research paper in my english class and it asked to site our sources and gives us this as a guide, author 39 s last name, first name.