Developing Skills Book 5 Set B Paper 3 Unit 6 Textwhy should you develop an action plan?when should you develop an action plan?in some ways, an action plan is a heroic act: it helps us turn our dreams into a reality. An action plan is a way to make sure your organization's vision is made concrete. An action plan consists of a number of action steps or changes to be brought about in your community. Each action step or change to be sought should include the following information: what actions or changes will occur who will carry out these changes by when they will take place, and for how long what resources i.e. Money, staff are needed to carry out these changes communication who should know what? the action plan for your initiative should meet several criteria. Does it list all the action steps or changes to be sought in all relevant parts of the community e.g.Does the action plan reflect the current work? does it anticipate newly emerging opportunities and barriers? there is an inspirational adage that says, people don't plan to fail. Because you certainly don't want to fail, it makes sense to take all of the steps necessary to ensure success, including developing an action plan. There are lots of good reasons to work out the details of your organization's work in an action plan, including: to lend credibility to your organization. An action plan shows members of the community including grantmakers that your organization is well ordered and dedicated to getting things done. To be sure you don't overlook any of the details to understand what is and isn't possible for your organization to do for efficiency: to save time, energy, and resources in the long run for accountability: to increase the chances that people will do what needs to be done ideally, an action plan should be developed within the first six months to one year of the start of an organization. It is developed after you have determined the vision, mission, objectives, and strategies of your group. If you develop an action plan when you are ready to start getting things done, it will give you a blueprint for running your organization or initiative. As your organization changes and grows, you will want to continually usually monthly revise your action plan to fit the changing needs of your group and community. If you have been using the vmosa vision, mission, objectives, strategies, action plans model, you might have already done this, when you were deciding upon your group's objectives. Most of the health and development issues that community partnerships deal with are community wide, and thus need a community wide solution. Possible sectors include the media, the business community, religious organizations, schools, youth organizations, social service organizations, health organizations, and others. Some members of the community you might consider asking to join the action planning group include: influential people from all the parts of the community affected by your initiative e.g. Some of the members of this planning group included teachers at the local high school, local teenagers and their parents, members of the clergy, counselors and school nurses, staff of the county health department, and members of youth organizations, service agencies, and other organizations that focus on youth issues. convene a planning group in your community to design your action plan. This might be the same group of people who worked with you to decide your group's strategies and objectives. How to Write An Art Essay ConclusionIf you are organizing a new group of people, try to make your planning committee as diverse and inclusive as possible. Once everyone is present, go over your organization's: vision mission objectives strategies targets and agents of change e.g. Youth, parents and guardians, clergy proposed changes for each sector of the community e.g. Schools, faith community, service organizations, health organizations, government develop an action plan composed of action steps that address all proposed changes. the plan should be complete, clear, and current. Additionally, the action plan should include information and ideas you have already gathered while brainstorming about your objectives and your strategies. What are the steps you must take to carry out your objectives while still fulfilling your vision and mission? now it's time for all of the vmosa components to come together. While the plan might address general goals you want to see accomplished, the action steps will help you determine the specific actions you will take to help make your vision a reality. Jfk Essay TopicMembers of the community initiative will want to determine: what action or change will occur who will carry it out when it will take place, and for how long what resources i.e. Money, staff are needed to carry out the change communication who should know what example: rtr coalition's action step a sample one community change sought by this coalition to prevent teen pregnancy was to increase publicity about contraception and unwanted pregnancy at the local high school. what action or change will occur: hanging posters, displays, and other information about contraception and the facts about unwanted pregnancy in the hallways of the local high school. The posters and other information will become a permanent part of the high school. Posters and information will be regularly changed as new materials become available. who will carry it out: a sub committee comprised of parents and guardians, teachers, students, and coalition members will be responsible for maintaining the displays. The coalition as a whole will work towards finding funding to purchase the materials. Maria and alex of the schools action group will be responsible for researching and ordering the materials. by when will it take place, and for how long: the coalition will try to have posters hanging and displays visible within six weeks of deciding on the action step . what resources are needed to carry out the step: the coalition will approach the school district to request funding for the project. Otherwise, the group will seek funding from other sources such as foundations and local businesses to finance the program. The school principal and leadership of the parent teacher organization pto should be given information about this planned change. Things to note about this portion of the rtr action plan: it appears complete. Although this step seems fully developed, we would need to review the entire action plan to see whether all community and system changes that should be sought are included. We would need to know more about other current work and new opportunities and barriers to judge whether this portion of the action plan is up to date. review your completed action plan carefully to check for completeness. make sure that each proposed change will help accomplish your group's mission. Also, be sure that the action plan taken as a whole will help you complete your mission that is, make sure you aren't leaving anything out. follow through. one hard part figuring out what to do is finished. Now take your plan and run with it! remember the 80 20 rule: successful efforts are 80% follow through on planned actions and 20% planning for success. keep everyone informed about what's going on. communicate to everyone involved how his or her input was incorporated. keep track of what and how well you've done. always keep track of what the group has actually done. If the community change a new program or policy took significant time or resources, it's also a good idea to evaluate what you have done, either formally or informally. Keep several questions in mind for both yourself and others: are we doing what we said we'd do? are we doing it well? is what we are doing advancing the mission? you can address these questions informally ask yourself, chat with friends and other people , as well as formally, through surveys and other evaluation methods. celebrate a job well done! celebrate your accomplishments you and those you work with deserve it. Celebration helps keep everyone excited and interested in the work they are doing. Penn State College EssayEvery community organization has undoubtedly had this happen: you plan and you assign tasks to get everything you've planned to do accomplished. Everyone agrees maybe they even offer to do certain tasks, and you all leave with a great feeling of accomplishment. Besides tearing out your hair, what can you do? fortunately, there are several things you can try. It's particularly tricky in the case of volunteers, because you don't want to lean too hard on someone who is donating their time and energy to begin with. Still, you can make it easier for members to get things done and harder to avoid work without acting like the mean neighbor down the street. Some of these gentle reminders include: regular phone calls from staff members or dedicated volunteers asking others how they are doing with their tasks. This should be a supportive call, not a are you doing what you're supposed to call. The person calling can offer emotional support how are you doing? as well as see if the group member needs any other assistance.
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