Canadian Political Science Essay Topics Text

Jonathan Friesen - Writing Coach

Canadian politics and government please write a 2,500 – 3,0 word essay 10 12 typed pages , due on december 2, 2004, on one of the following four topics. Essays will be graded on their organization, research, coherence of analysis and argument, originality, and the quality of written english. Essays with more than error per page in grammar or spelling will receive a maximum grade of 65. Globalization, regionalization, and governing canada discuss the ongoing effects of globalization and north american economic integration on canada’s political culture and economic policies in the early 21st century. Assess the degree to which canadian political culture and economic policies have become more or less similar to those of other major industrial countries, including the united states – or a combination of both. One nation, two solitudes, or community of communities? canada’s political, economic, and cultural diversity creates constant challenges for governments attempting to balance the politics of national purpose with the accommodation of competing interests and visions of canada – both within governing parties and across governmental jurisdictions.

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Identify three broad approaches used by canadian governments federal and provincial in recent years to balance these objectives, their relative successes and failures. As paul martin’s prospective successor of whatever party , summarize how you would apply these lessons to project a vision of canada that will enable your party to form a majority government after the next election based on the support of a broad cross section of society. As a member of your caucus is likely to leak your paper to national post or the toronto star, try to project your ideals in a thoughtful, politically realistic fashion that takes canada’s parliamentary arithmetic into consideration.

Sharing, sustainability, and fiscal federalism canada’s system of fiscal federalism is designed to balance the principles of responsibility to citizens for the taxation and spending decisions of individual governments with a system of transfer payments designed to enable have less provinces to provide standards of public services comparable to a notional national average. Cutting through the fog of self interested political rhetoric that typically surrounds these debates, identify the major challenges facing the sustainability of canada’s system of fiscal federalism from four different perspectives: those of the federal government, have provinces, have less provinces, and quebec. Suggest reforms to fiscal federalism that will recognize the core interests underlying each outlook, and promote the fiscal and economic sustainability of both levels of government.

Reforming or deforming parliament? canada’s parliamentary system has been criticized for lacking effective checks and balances on prime ministerial and cabinet power, excessive partisanship and party discipline, failing to represent the interests of many citizens, and lacking significant accountability to citizens between elections. However, proposed reforms intended to address some of these problems often exacerbate others. Given these trade offs, given the opportunity to reform the federal parliament, explain what changes you would make a priority and why , how these changes would increase parliament’s effectiveness in correcting some of the problems noted above, and how you would answer or accommodate critics who suggest that in trying to fix some problems, you will just make others that much worse.

1 2 year program for full time students also open to part time students the thesis stream is primarily intended for students who have: a clearly defined plans to pursue a ph.d. And believe they would like to do a significant research project to prepare for that program, or b want to write a thesis because they have compelling research interests on a particular topic. Students applying for the thesis option must submit a brief statement of their research interest with their application or when the request a change in program to the thesis stream.

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With thesis must complete a minimum of 12 credit hours in political science graduate program courses of which 3 credit hours must be attained from either posc 60 or 6010. Each student choosing the thesis option will submit a thesis on a subject that has been approved by the supervisory committee of the department. A master's thesis must show that a student can: identify a significant research question design and carry out a program of research present the results of that research in a clear, coherent, and professionally acceptable manner. Though the thesis must be significant research, it is not expected to be path breaking. The department of political science prefers concise theses of 20,0 words roughly 70 pages of text. The thesis author will be expected to follow the department's plagiarism and documentation policies. Over the years our master of arts candidates have written theses on a range of political science topics.

A bound copy of each of the following titles is permanently stored in the centre for newfoundland studies library on campus. Students are free to select a thesis topic from these areas or any other applicable area of political science. This collection of almost 100 political science research paper topics and example papers on political science highlights the most important topics, issues, questions, and debates that any student obtaining a degree in this field ought to have mastered for effectiveness. The purpose is to provide students in political science with an authoritative reference sources and sample research papers that will help their writing efforts with far more detailed information than short essays. We have divided almost 100 political science research paper topics into six major parts: cover the history of the discipline e.g. The behavioral revolution, the rise of neoinstitutionalism, and the postbehavioral critique , as well as several general approaches in political science such as rational choice, political psychology, and principal–agent theory. Focus on topics related to political development such as modernization theory, dependency and development, statism , political violence e.g.

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Coups, civil wars, terrorism, ethnic conflict , political institutions the effects of electoral laws, presidentialism, federalism, comparative judicial politics , political culture and civil society religion and comparative politics, ethnic identity , and comparative methods case studies, most similar and most different systems approaches. Deal with essential topics in international relations, including research papers on realism and neorealism, liberalism, world systems analysis, and foreign policy analysis. On the balance of power, rivalry and interstate war, and the democratic peace , international political economy e.g. Complex interdependence, trade, and resource scarcity and rentierism , and global governance international organizations and regimes and international law. Cover research paper ideas on the philosophy of science including empirical approaches, positivism and its critique, and constructivism , followed by papers that illustrate commonly used quantitative and qualitative techniques such as experimentation, and content analysis and then by research papers on game theory and formal modeling approaches in political science.

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These research papers in particular are meant to be easily understandable to students who are just beginning to engage in political science studies. Include research ideas on political thought, not only western political thought but from elsewhere in the world as well. We have included research papers not only on the western classics the ancients, enlightenment thinkers, neoclassical liberalism, socialism, anarchism, etc. , but also on asian political thought, islamic political thought, and christian political thought.

Thus students will have exposure to points of view that are not entirely rooted in the western experience. The ability to view fundamental political issues from different points of view is, we believe, an essential skill students must have nowadays. Include research papers on the political structures and institutions of the united states including research papers that cover research on congress, the presidency, the bureaucracy, federalism, state and local politics, and the media and political behavior including public opinion and voting behavior, as well as policy making and administration. Furthermore, we have included papers on an increasingly important area in the study of american politics: identity politics. There are research papers that cover topics such as race, ethnicity, and politics gender and politics religion and politics and lgbt issues and queer theory.