Academic Writing Fun Text

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Writing fun continues to be available for teachers, parents and students through the award winning spellodrome resource. Writing fun is already available to you! simply log in to spellodrome with your existing account details and click the writing fun button inside. For home users, our full 10 day money back guarantee allows you to evaluate the resources with confidence.

For schools, a free trial may be available for the spellodrome with writing fun resource. Register your interest via the free trial button at and a member of our helpful team will contact you shortly. And informative/explanatory writing grows louder, gretchen bernabei and judi reimer publish fun size academic writing for serious learning. You see, gretchen and judi have been concerned about adolescents rsquo writing for years, and they have had amazing success using mentor texts by students to teach the ins and outs of writing in any genre. So with this book, they ldquo hand over their file drawers rdquo and provide you with 101 essays written by students with one page companion lessons that address text structure, imagery, dialogue, rhetorical devices, grammatical structures, textual blends all the different tools that writers use. Collectively, these essays and lessons have the potential to move the needle on american students rsquo writing achievement once and for all.

They show what has been done by students mdash and they reveal to you how your own students can do it, too. sometimes a student rsquo s best teacher is another student just as the pressure for students to perform well on state assessments escalates ever higher, and the call to raise students rsquo achievement in narrative, opinion/argument. And informative/explanatory writing grows louder, gretchen bernabei and judi reimer publish fun size academic writing for serious learning. Click here for an electronic book tour of fun size academic writing for serious learning. 1 read the model below and complete the paragraph plan below, identifying the topic of each paragraph. Has the opposing viewpoint been included, and if so, in which paragraph? then, replace the linking words or phrases in bold type with other synonymous ones. although the position of women in society today has improved, there is still a great deal of sexual discrimination. Do you agree? throughout this century, the role of women within society has changed, and the majority of people feel that the change is for the better.

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More women work than ever before, and it is accepted in western culture that many women now have careers. Nonetheless, in my opinion there is still a great deal of sexual discrimination against women within society, and the belief that sexual equality has been achieved is not altogether accurate. The main reason for this is that there are rarely any provisions made for childcare in the workplace and, in these cases, women are forced to find someone to look after the children while they are at work. Obviously, this can prove to be a time consuming and expensive process, yet it must be done if mothers are to be able to resume their careers. The traditional views of the position of women within society are so deeply ingrained that they have not really changed. Not only is the view that women should stay at home and look after their family still widely held, but it is reinforced through images seen on television programmes and advertisements.

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an example of this is that few men are ever seen doing housework on television, since this is traditionally thought of as a woman's job. Since families often need two incomes in order to enjoy a good standard of living, a woman finds herself doing two jobs: one at home and one at the office. So, it could be said that a woman's position has, in fact, deteriorated rather than improved, with the result that women carry the burdens of equality but get none of the benefits.

in contrast, there are some people who claim that the problem of sexual discrimination no longer exists. They point out that women do, after all, have legal rights intended to protect them from discrimination. A few women are now beginning to reach top positions as judges, business leaders and politicians, while a number of other previously all male professions are opening their ranks to women. Nonetheless, these examples are not the norm and discrimination is still very much with us. while rules and laws have changed, it is the deep rooted opinions of people within society which are taking a longer time to evolve. needless to say, attitudes have changed, sexual discrimination will remain a problem which we all need to face and fight against. Activities and suggestions to help students deal with the writing component of the ielts exam.

author: sam mccarter type: teaching notes to help students to prepare for writing about bar charts task 1 of the academic component of ielts. author: sam mccarter type: teaching notes to help students to prepare for the essay writing in task 2 of the academic component of ielts. author: richard gresswell type: teaching notes an integrated skills lesson with the overall aim of preparing students to write an essay on the issue of public transport/car ownership. author: sam mccarter type: teaching notes help students to prepare for task 1 in the academic writing component of the ielts exam. Some top tips and a lesson plan about describing data line graphs to help with the writing component of the ielts exam.

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sometimes a student’s best teacher is another student just as the pressure for students to perform well on state assessments escalates ever higher, and the call to raise students’ achievement in narrative, opinion/argument. You see, gretchen and judi have been concerned about adolescents’ writing for years, and they have had amazing success using mentor texts by students to teach the ins and outs of writing in any genre. So with this book, they hand over their file drawers and provide you with 101 essays  written by students with one page companion lessons that address text structure, imagery, dialogue, rhetorical devices, grammatical structures, textual blends all the different tools that writers use. Collectively, these essays and lessons have the potential to move the needle on american students’ writing achievement once and for all. They show what has been done by students and they reveal to you how your own students can do it, too. Buy the book bundle and get 10 copies of fun size academic writing for serious learning for one low price. Just as the pressure for students to perform well on state assessments escalates ever higher, and the call to raise students rsquo achievement in narrative, opinion/argument.

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