How to Write An Ib English Essay Text

Jonathan Friesen - Writing Coach

That's why we have been in business so long with many happy customers to show for it. If you want our help today, just register with us online and then fill in the order form. In no time at all, one of our writers with an advanced degree in your essay's topic will begin to craft you a superbly written academic paper. Take that initial first step with our services at today and you'll be pleased with the results! there is no single correct way to write paper 2.

Before you begin to write your essay, take 10 15 minutes to outline the main ideas. This is a good idea for several reasons: we use outlines to prevent 39 after thoughts 39 from creeping into the essay. Examiners find it difficult to read scripts that include, boxes, arrows and symbols that attempt to insert text that was written as an after thought.

We use outlines to ensure that all the criteria are met, all works are explored equally and ideas appear in the logical order. In brief you will see the 39 comparative approach 39 , the 39 criterion by criterion 39 approach, and the 39 work by work 39 approach. The outlines have been filled in to show how one exam question can be approached three different ways. The exam question taken from the english a specimen papers on the occ is: analyse how justice is represented and understood in at least two works studied. In the sample outlines, this question has been answered with regards to fiela 39 s child by dalene mathee 1985 and the kite runner by khaled hosseini 2003.

The language a: language and literature guide does not specify that students must compare and contrast literary texts in their paper 2 exam. If your part 3 works do not have anything in common then you should probably not take this approach.

like this unlike vip only: downloadable pdf supplement documents on writing skills. looking for help/advice with referencing and citations? click here 33 lc 39 s guide to writing an essay 33 well, i 39 ve been correcting a few world lit essays and tok essays. And i 39 ve noticed that most of what is discussed is amazing 33 and i find myself correcting the structure of the essay itself rather than the content.

So i decided to make this handy thread to direct you all as to how to write an essay. Most of you find yourselves uncertain as to how to start your essay, and you may feel uncomfortable at the start. Try starting your essay with a claim related to the title/question you are discussing. For example for the title: define the religious role of mecca in pre islamic arabia something along the lines of. mecca was considered as a religious center in pre islamic arabia would be an appropriate way to start your essay. Then some description of the location of mecca and a general cultural mentality of that time would be appropriate to follow this sentence. Of course you can have a thesis statement in one sentence or various sentences, really depends on your topic.

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For the same above topic this might be appropriate: mecca was considered a religious center mainly because of the presence of the objects which were the zamzam spring, and the kaba where pilgrimage had taken place for three months every year, by pilgrims from all over arabia and further countries see that little sentence just defined the whole of my essay. It clearly gave the reader aka the examiner an idea of what exactly i will be arguing later on in my essay. To start an unseen commentary, describing what exactly is happening in the poem/prose or what the poem/prose is about would be the most appropriate way to start. You may think this is uncreative and cliche, but trust me the simpler you are the better you are understood and show understanding of what you are reading. So for example if you can access the bell jar text which was may 05 if i recall correctly something like the following would be a good way to start your essay: the text speaks about a ski trip which two characters, esther and buddy, took. can 39 t be more blunt than that can you? this clearly shows that i understand the text overall.

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Next is to show you understood it 39 s specifics hence where you start defining the literary most relevant in this prose, like so: symbols of authority are evident although the text, mostly associated to buddy. He pushes and pushes, until she is pushed down a mountainous slope, which could be a metaphor in itself. The chronology of the events parallels to the chronology of buddy 39 s effect on esther as the distance between esther and buddy increases, so does his psychological affect on her. So i 39 ve made it clear through this thesis that i will be discussing imagery, characterization and the relationship between characters, and the structure of the prose. one last example would be when writing a tok essay.

Like any other essay, the introduction of a tok essay is the most important part in the sense that it will clarify to the examiner what you are to discuss later on in the essay. Explaining an idea or claim is the process of providing a proof, or otherwise logical conclusion about the cause of a phenomenon. Although the previous definition i have claimed may categorize many situations, the word explain is too subjective to have a clear definition. Its subjectivity lies in its meaning being relative to what it is a person is trying to explain. I noticed through the different ways of knowing people express and obtain different method of explaining. A topic sentence is a sentence in the beginning of the paragraph which clarifies to the reader what you intend to discuss in the paragraph.

In my first year english a1 course, i found myself writing topic sentences which showed that i want to discuss a certain image in a poem i would be writing a commentary for, and then i 39 d just randomly move on to talk about tone or something else this showed how confused i was about writing commentaries an example of me doing this is in my first world lit draft: there is also a difference in portraying the two authorities through imagery. Bernardas authority was mainly emphasised with the presence of her stick, especially the physical authority on her daughters. Bernarda achieves respect by inflicting fear on other character, especially the servant and poncia. See i started off by indicating i would talk about imagery and only that in my paragraph, then after writing one sentence about the imagery i moved on to how bernarda inflicted her authority 33 do not do this 33 well structured paragraphs: this means you should jump form one idea to another which has nothing to do with the previous one in two consecutive paragraphs.

Your essay should show some form of flaw of thought, when you go from discussing for example the problem of knowledge of history being written with the bias of the historian, to discussing the fact that knowledge in the natural sciences is objective in the next paragraph. Your transformation from one idea to another should be flawless else you will seem confused to the examiner. When i say conclude your ideas i don 39 t mean mention each one in the end and make a conclusive statement about each, you don 39 t want to end up with a 400 word conclusion paragraph there are no 1,2,3s of writing a conclusion which i know of. So here are some examples that might give you an idea of what i 39 m talking about: in conclusion, mecca was formed in a religious base, and had flourished due to the presence of religious objects such as the zamzam water, the kaba, the haram, and the black stone. Overall the poet used imagery, structure and diction to portray his idea of the unreliability of speech, or in his words the sentences which starts out like a lone traveler. Although he was successful in portraying his idea he was, however, not convincing in a realistic sense. Analysis of evidence what do the evidence mean? re iteration or qualification of significance of evidence, to come to a conclusion.

What 39 s the point of all this? example: the cat sat on the mat. The outcome of this was that the mat became flat and this indicates that cats should be kept off mats. According to smith 2004 , mats that have cats sitting on them suffer deflation effects.

On the other hand, studies by david 2005 suggest that cats sitting on mats have no deflation effect whatsoever. However, as david 39 s studies were done on new born cats only, this claim is not convincing and therefore negligible. Therefore, we can come to the conclusion that when cats sit on mats, the mats become deflated and thus, we should keep cats off mats if these mats are to remain in full shape.

like this unlike plagiarism, academic dishonesty and how to avoid them ibo 39 s guidance for schools on academic honesty this document outlines the ibo 39 s policies towards academic malpractice and plagiarism, how schools should go about maintaining academic honesty and how investigations of these issues are carried out by the ibo if need arises. In brief, however: what is an authentic piece of work? an authentic piece of work is one that is based on the candidates individual and original ideas with the ideas and work of others fully acknowledged. Therefore, all assignments, written or oral, completed by a candidate for assessment must wholly and authentically use that candidates own language and expression. Where sources are used or referred to, whether in the form of direct quotation or paraphrase, such sources must be fully and appropriately acknowledged.

what is malpractice? the regulations define malpractice as behaviour that results in, or may result in, the candidate or any other candidate gaining an unfair advantage in one or more assessment component. This includes, but not limited to, misconduct in the examination, having unauthorised information about the exam before it takes place, disclosing information about the exam to candidates not yet taken the exam or discussing the exam with anyone from outside the candidate 39 s immediate school community before 24 hours have passed since examination time. The regulations define plagiarism as the representation of the ideas or work of another person as the candidates own. This includes direct quoting, paraphrasing, using ideas and expressions, inclusion of any material such as music, pictures etc in the candidate 39 s own work without direct referencing of the source. what happens if i plagiarise? this question should not even be posed. just don 39 t do it 33 how does ibo detect plagiarism? another question that shouldn 39 t be asked. No one really know for sure, but rumours have it they use turnitin, which is a database software that scans and stores academic essays from all over.

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