Help Writing Army Ncoer Text

Jonathan Friesen - Writing Coach

This is by far the most comprehensive ncoer / awards writing guide that i've ever come across. Recommend purchasing in pdf format for portability and ease of use you can email it to yourself or upload on your kindle. This is by far the most comprehensive ncoer / awards writing guide that i've ever come across including countless searches for ncoer bullets and the information contained in the green and black book the writer series that you can pick up at the aafes clothing sales store.

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It provides examples of excellence, success and needs improvement bullets for each nco responsibility area on the ncoer and does this in the appropriate format for both the rater and the senior rater. The book not only dissects how to write ncoers and awards focuses on aam, arcom and msm , but it provides so many bullet samples that it almost always jogs your memory and assists you in writing not generic bullets, but specific bullets about the rated nco. I've also printed excerpts from this book's pdf format used this coupled with the ncoer and the support form to conduct opds and ncopds for my leaders. They have all found this guide to be the most helpful in copmarison to the other resources available. An ncoer da form 2166 8 is a form used to document a person's performance for a specific length of time usually a year.

Everyone in the army has their performance rated and recorded this way and, if you're a supervisor, you'll be responsible for writing ncoers for the people you report on. The supervisor is responsible for writing the ncoer but it's common for the supervisor to ask the soldier being rated for material. Supervisors who care about their troops want to write the best ncoer possible and may ask the subordinate for information to make sure they didn't miss any notable achievements. Sometimes we get discouraged and think, i won’t be promoted so why bother? don’t fall into this trap! you can be promoted! i don't mean to belittle our nco corps but i have seen people who could barely speak english or lace their shoes get promoted –again and again! so i know you can be! and don’t be intimidated by the perceived increase in responsibility. By this i mean, don't sabotage your chances of promotion because you don't think you can handle the next rank. It may seem as if your supervisor smoothly carries out his or her responsibilities but that it might be too much for you to handle. And that’s natural because we’re all different and we all approach tasks in a different way.

The way you execute the duties of your next rank will be different than your predecessor and may even be more efficient. The duty description must describe your most important duties or the ncoer will lack impact from the very start. This block is the only place where we’re allowed to list our responsibilities and what we do on the job. If you supervise troops or perform any supervisory oversight, list those duties first. The main section of the ncoer form is for listing your achievements during the reporting period.

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The purpose of listing achievements is to have an official record of your performance so that later, you can be compared with your peers and rated for promotion. The goal of the ncoer is to accurately and fully describe a soldier’s performance during the reporting period. So it's important first, to have an impressive list of accomplishments and second, to write them in a way that ensures their importance is recognized. It's important to realize that it’s not the words or glowing phrases that get you promoted –it’s the rating that your supervisor gives you. When the ncoer is due, you can't change the past year's performance but you can turn whatever performance you do have into the best ncoer possible.

And it is possible to write an ncoer in such a way that it will be difficult for your supervisor to grade your performance as anything less than excellent. list your achievements during the reporting period. the most effective way to come up with material for your ncoer is to brainstorm first. Deployments, additional duties, training, education, volunteer work, community involvement, awards and decorations, etc. List it all! now is no time to be modest! one of the most common hurdles for first time ncoer writers is modesty. Most of us don't want to appear as if we're bragging about our performance and that's good. But when it comes to ncoers, your goal is to make it sound as if you're the best soldier ever! in army evaluations, we always write to make it sound as if we invented the alphabet or developed the internet! we always exaggerate somewhat. That's just the way it's done and you have to get in that mode! when you get used to it, it can actually be kind of fun.

claim everything! if you're new to ncoers, you might be reluctant to claim credit for any achievements that you weren't 100% responsible for. Don't be! most section accomplishments require the efforts of many people and are the product of teamwork. If you had any part in an achievement, you are allowed to claim it and list it as one of your bullets. A supervisor will often reuse the same accomplishments, over and over, in several different ncoers so it's not unexpected or unprecedented. As a rule of thumb, if you had any part in an achievement, from actually turning a wrench to being on the team that did it, you can claim it. And don't worry that your supervisor will scrutinize your inputs and dispute your claims. A supervisor is much more concerned with getting enough decent material for your evaluation report than with analyzing which person contributed the most to this or that project.

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For example, if you're not a supervisor, you may not have any obvious feats of leadership. You'll have to think outside the box and find something that qualifies as a leadership bullet. Don't have enough accomplishments? you can bend the rules a little by signing up for accomplishments at the last minute as long as it's done before the end of the rating period. Normally, the unit requires the ncoer to be completed before the reporting period is over so it's usually possible. , sign up for habitat for humanity, volunteer for the next change of command ceremony, etc.

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After you've brainstormed and come up with a suitable list of accomplishments and sorted them into the required categories, it’s time to reword those bullet comments until they're as descriptive as possible. We’ll discuss how that's done after we outline the method to make your bullets as effective as possible. bullet comment format the style of writing required on the ncoer is the bullet comment format. In this manner of writing, the accomplishment is listed in short sentence fragments –like this: o completed over 200 reports in least time ever, maintained 100% accuracy o his work, sense of responsibility inspired peers, raised shop production rate to best ever the reason for writing like this is to conserve space. There isn’t much room on the ncoer form and this allows fitting in the most information. It also discourages the use of unnecessarily wordy descriptions and promotes getting straight to the point! the bullet comment has two main parts: the accomplishment and the result. Normally, the accomplishment is listed first followed by the positive result shown in bold type below: o conducted over 100 missions maintained a 99% on time delivery rate a bullet comment written without an impact or result will probably be weak and vague.

Is that more than the norm? what was so special about that? the impact or result answers that question. Da pamphlet 623 3 requires each bullet comment to begin with a lower case letter o. Before we go any farther we should review the format specified by da pamphlet 623 3 para 3 7: b. Narrative rules for part iv, bullet comments will 1 be short, concise, to the point. Bullets will not be longer than two lines, preferably one and no more than one bullet to a line. 2 start with action words verbs or possessive pronouns his or her personal pronouns he or she may be used should use ‘past’ tense when addressing nco’s performance and/or contributions. Each bullet comment must start with a small letter unless it’s a proper noun that is usually capitalized.