Harvard University Dissertations Online Text

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We present here dissertations on topics in atlantic history, ongoing or recently completed. The site operates by a combination of solicitation and self submission we try to be on the lookout for dissertations in the field, but we strongly encourage those of you working in atlantic history in the early modern period to send an abstract to us. We will be happy to post abstracts in any language, though we would like to provide an english translation as well, and so request, but do not require, dual abstracts for foreign language dissertations.

Although these web pages as a whole are copyright by the seminar on behalf of harvard university, the copyright for each individual abstract remains in the hands of its author. Listing on the atlantic history web site is not exclusive authors can, and do, include their abstracts in other such listings. We also encourage people to link to our site each abstract has a name, so it is also possible to provide the location of a specific abstract: in most browsers, placing the cursor on the author's name in our index page will cause the unique location to appear in the bottom display line. Over time, we will develop a topology of fields, but will provide links that are alphabetical by author at the moment. The seminar reserves the right to reject inappropriate submissions and to edit abstracts to correct spelling and grammatical errors.

answered by: deborah kelley milburn last updated: oct 22, 2015 views: 17911 harvard affiliates with ids and pins can access the full text of most harvard phd theses since 1990 from the database dissertations and theses full text. In a few instances, full text harvard dissertations from as early as 1952 are available. All scholars can order copies of many harvard dissertations from around 1970 to the present from proquest dissertation services directly. Permission of the author is usually required to copy theses within the last five years.

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Most phd dissertations submitted from march 2012 forward are available online in dash. Access to harvard theses that are not available through proquest depends on the school of origin and its associated library. check the hollis catalog to see where a thesis is housed. the most frequently requested theses are from the graduate school of arts and sciences.

For example, the museum of comparative zoology and tozzer library house theses written by students in the departments they support, many of which are not in the university archives, and lamont library houses most phd dissertations since 1982 on microfiche, so checking hollis is important. For theses in the university archives, patrons can submit photocopy orders of up to thirty pages of undergraduate honors theses that were written before the last five years and phd theses that were written before 1982. For scholars off site, photocopies of undergraduate honors theses older than five years and most phd dissertations from 1981 and earlier, can be ordered from the imaging services division of the harvard college library. Bibliography citation amp style guides all sd and dph degree candidates at the harvard chan school are required to successfully complete and submit a dissertation to qualify for degree conferral. This website provides information on the requirements for how to format your dissertation, how to submit your dissertation, and how your dissertation will be distributed. preparing to submit the dissertation the electronic submission of your dissertation and the original signature page are due on the dates specified on the harvard chan schools academic calendar summary for each degree awarding period november, march, and may.

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These items must be submitted using the etds @ harvard tool in order for the degree to be voted. application for the degree there are three degree granting periods: november, march, and may. To apply for graduation, students must complete the application for degree by clicking on the apply to graduate link on the apply to graduate tab on the myhsph portal by the deadline posted on the harvard chan schools academic calendar. Students who miss the deadline must re apply for the degree for the subsequent degree conferral date november, march, or may. dissertation defense signature page all research committee members are required to sign the signature page at the time of the dissertation defense indicating their final approval of the dissertation. A scanned copy of the signature page should appear before the title page of the pdf online submission of the dissertation no page number should be assigned to the signature page. The title on the signature page must read exactly as it does on the title page of the dissertation.

Click here  for instructions on how to merge the signature page into the dissertation pdf. The signature page must be formatted as follows: this dissertation, title of dissertation , presented by student’s name , and submitted to the faculty of the harvard t.h. Chan school of public health in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of doctor of science or public health in the department s of department s name s , has been read and approved by: _ typed name below line signature above _ typed name below line signature above _ typed name below line signature above date. dissertation defense date month day, year online submission of the dissertation all sd or dph candidates are required to submit a digital copy of the dissertation to the registrar’s office as a pdf file using embedded fonts via etds @ harvard by the deadline established for each degree conferral date. Dissertations must be submitted in their final format, as described in the section formatting guidelines. Formatting errors will prevent the students’ dissertations from being accepted and approved. The online submission tool can be found at:  an information session about etds @ harvard was held in march 2014.

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 orcids are persistent digital identifiers that link you to your professional activity.  you may register for an orcid either before or during submission if you do not yet have one. harvard author agreement when submitting work through etds @ harvard, you will be consenting to the harvard author agreement. Which grants the university a non exclusive license to preserve, reproduce, and display the work. This license, which is the same the harvard chan school faculty use under the schools open access policy, does not constrain your rights to publish your work subsequently. Very few dissertations require redaction, which is the process of obscuring or removing sensitive information for distribution.

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Etds @ harvard does support redacted versioning for these very rare cases where there is sensitive or potentially harmful material in the dissertation e.g. Commercially sensitive information, sensitive personal data, risk of harmful retribution, etc. If your work is one such rare instance, then you may select the i think i need to submit a redacted version of my dissertation on the file upload screen. You will then be prompted to contact the office for scholarly communication, which will help you with your request. To forestall any potential challenges that a student may face in the publication process e.g. If the candidate has a publication pending with a publisher or has previously published some of the content in the dissertation and there is a publisher’s embargo that must be honored , the harvard chan school has instituted a default one year embargo for submissions through etds @ harvard.  the embargo starts on the date of the dissertation submission deadline. with an embargo, the full text of the dissertation will be unavailable for view or download for a limited period of time.

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If a student would like to make her/his work available immediately by opting out of the embargo process, she/he may do so by selecting the no embargo option during the submission process. If, due to extenuating circumstances, a student is required to embargo part or all of their work beyond one year, she/he must request an extension during the submission process. This request is subject to the approval of the student’s department chair s and the university librarian. Any embargo applied to the dash version of the dissertation will be applied to the countway library and harvard chan school department versions of the work.  the embargo will automatically be lifted in dash at the end of the selected and approved period.  if a student would like to change the duration of his/her embargo request, then please contact the registrars office at registrar@hsph.harvard.edu or 617 432 1032.

The school of public health is asked to participate in the survey of earned doctorates.  data collected from these surveys are used to make federal policy decisions regarding graduate education. Students are required to upload the survey of earned doctorates completion confirmation email or certificate via etds @ harvard. distribution of the dissertation for information on open access, we recommend the office of scholarly communication’s osc director peter suber’s brief introduction. The osc has produced several videos of harvard faculty and students discussing open access. Two may be of particular interest: the first features professors gary king and stuart shieber. after submission once you have applied for your degree and submitted your dissertation online, it is checked for compliance by the registrar’s office and, if accepted, is piped to the following downstream systems: dash.

Your work will be sent to dash digital access to scholarship at harvard , harvard’s open access repository. Search engines index dash, which means your work will be more discoverable and more frequently cited. You will be making dash access decisions for your work at the point of submission.