Essays on Using Cellphones While Driving Text

Jonathan Friesen - Writing Coach

Cell phones make our lives easier in many ways we can check our email, receive phone calls, send text messages, listen to music, and take pictures, all at our finger tips. With all this convenience, however there is a dangerous side to cell phones, and that’s when we use them while driving. Most of us are guilty of using cell phones while driving, but have we ever thought about its danger? five states plus washington d.c. Maine has a ban on cell phone use by drivers under 18 years of age and drivers who have learner’s permits, and those with an immediate drivers license first two years Statistics show that using cell phones while driving can be as dangerous as driving under the influence. A study published by the university of utah shows that drivers using hand held cell phones are as impaired as drunk drivers University of utah had 40 participants drive a patrolsim driving simulator 4 different times.

Once while unrestricted, once while on a hand held cell phone, once while on a hands free cell phone, and once while intoxicated to.08 blood alcohol level. Motorists talking on the cell phone both hand held and hands free were 9 percent slower to hit the brakes, displayed 24 variation in following distance after their attention switched. Three of the driver’s rear ended the pace car none of the drunk drivers did university of utah.

A study conducted by harvard university showed that 1 in 20 accidents are caused by the distraction of a cell phone. Harvard estimates that 2,600 people die and 330,0 are injured each year in cell phone related accidents grace. There has been increased reliance on the cell phones while driving and the issue has been debated over for a long time. There are various laws in various countries regarding the use of cell phones while driving. The drivers uses the cell phones to make and receive calls, send e mails and text messages. There were times in the past when people did not use the cell phones but still carried on with their normal life.

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The cell phone use enhances the effective connection with family members and other people at various work places. This is because some deals and problems are solved instantaneously through making phone calls while driving. Therefore it is very important to see the pros and cons of using cell phones while driving without simply looking from one aspect. the use of cell phones while driving the reason for this discussion may be as it can be connected to increase in road accidents but it is not always the case. From the invention of automobiles, road mishap is always seen by everyone even dating back to times when cell phones had not been invented. With the correct view of the consequences of frequent accidents that are related to reckless driving, drinking, narrow roads and failure of vehicle engines, the prohibiting of the use of cell phone while driving is not an ideal action as it may lead to various unwanted consequences which may be expensive.

The drivers who use their cell phones when driving are among the dangers on various highways. It has been proved that many accidents are caused due to some inattention that is caused by the use of the cell phones. For instance, talking to a cell phone leads to the impairment of driving performance and phone dialing takes the eyes of the drivers from the road and causes results to accidents. The drivers who use cell phones are more likely to be involved in road accidents than the non users.

Talking causes 1.4 million accidents while texting causes 20 accidents insuarance information institute. Resolved: that the state of michigan should pass a law banning the use of cell phones while driving. What is the problem? the problem is that our roads are not safe to drive on due to people carelessly using their cell phones while they are driving.

They are more concerned about conversations that can wait than they are about concerned about driving. What is causing the problem? people using cell phones and not paying attention to the road are the people causing the problem. Why isn't the current system working? the current system isn't working because people are using cell phones aren't concerned with the road, they're concerned about their cell phones. In 1995, a poll was taken that showed 25% of drivers think cell phones are more distracting than the radio.

Another survey shows that only 15% of all motorists don't have a cell phone in their car at all times. How are we being harmed? if a neighboring driver is talking on a cell phone, your life is at risk. It only takes a second to lose control and everyone around that driver can be seriously hurt. About 44% of motorists have a cell phone or car phone in their vehicles at all times. That's a lot of people talking and not paying attention to the road, and a lot of lives at risk due to them. Out of 28 car accidents related to phone use, 13 of the drivers had failed to stop and 15 had lane tracked. All because someone couldn't wait to have a phone conversation and didn't pay attentio have you ever use cell phones while driving? cell phones are used everywhere all the time.

When i walk on the street, i can see half of the people texting and calling while driving and it’s very dangerous. For example, according to secondly, banning cell phones while driving will decrease the amount of teenager’s death in car accidents. For example, according to thirdly, banning cell phones while driving will decrease financial problems for many families.

For example, some people don’t have car and medical insurance when they get into serious car accidents. In addition, teenagers and adults should be careful on using cell phones while driving. If they are careful with it, car accidents will decrease and there will be no financial problems. For example, many people get bored of driving, so they text other friends or call other friends while driving. Some people think they’re going to die if a cell phone isn’t with them for one second. This is crazy! i love to text and call people, but please be careful using cell phones while driving.

It was very fun and i realized how dangerous it was to text or call while driving. Using a cell phone while driving could be considered as being just as bad as driving under the influence. A university of utah study found motorists who talk on cell phones while driving are as impaired as drunken drivers with a blood alcohol level at the legal limit of 0.08 percent. They also found that people who are talking while driving are 19 percent slower at coming to a stop then normal people. So as you can see that using a cell phone while you drive is very dangerous and it should be outlawed. It is proven that it doesn't matter who you are talking to, it is the conversation that distracts you from the road. According to highway patrol, 8% of all drivers on the road are talking on cell phone at any given moment.

No matter what precautions you take to pay attention to the road, you are still in danger while using a cell phone. Other people might say that they use hands free, or bluetooth to talk so they are more aware. A study by the university of utah showed that it doesn't matter if you are using a bluetooth headset, handsfree, or holding the phone, they all have the same effect on your driving. First of all, using a cell phone while you drive puts you and all the other drivers on the road at risk. People that use cell phones while trying to drive are flat out, being irresponsible. Even if they know that it is not good to talk on the cell phone while driving, they think they are good enough drivers to handle multi tasking in a dangerous situation.

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Though the truth is, it doesn't matter who you are, or what your good at, anyone who uses a cell phone while driving makes you just as vulnerable as anyone else who does it. A proven fact by, the united states of america has banned hand held cell phones, while driving, in 6 states and 4 big cities. They say it doesn’t distract the pilot as much as a driver of a car, but the reaction time, if something goes wrong, is still delayed. My dad, when he talks on the cell phone, only talks for a short period of time, only to get info or to check up on things. Even though he still is impaired when he uses it, he is less likely to get into a crash then a person having a conversation that has lasted 5 hours! when people actually stop and think about what is happening around them on the road, they will realize that using a cell phone while driving is very hazardous towards their safety. Maybe in the future, they will make something that doesn’t distract you, at all, on the phone, or maybe, make a car that can drive itself to your designation.