Essay on What You Can Do for Your Country Text

Jonathan Friesen - Writing Coach

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This option may be re enabled by the project by placing a file with the name .htaccess with this line: 5 little things we can do to help our country i believe that in order to help our country be a better place to live in, it has to start in helping ourselves to be better individuals first. We have to keep in mind at all times that everything we do, even the smallest ones has something to do with our country, so we might act responsibly as well. Here are the 5 little things we may not be aware of but can be a great help: a good community starts in a good family. Our parents only want us to be successful in the future and so, listening to them will help us achieve our goals.their words are always the best guide for us to be molded into a responsible, caring citizen. Let’s avoid getting a crab mentality and be happy for the achievements of others instead of pulling them down. We are the ones who have to believe first that it’s not too late to do something to redeem what were once ours – a rich culture and the capability for development.

Here are some points you can add >> remind people the joy of living in ones own country talk about freedom, rights as a citizen etc. Show more here are some points you can add gt gt remind people the joy of living in ones own country talk about freedom, rights as a citizen etc. This was followed up by, my fellow citizens of the world, ask not what america will do for you. Relevant with the problems of pakistani people but in such they are just making money and transfer it in swiss banks. And the most genuine problem we can not believe any one in the pakistani politics all are corrupt by heart and soul…they come with the oath that they will resolve the problem of pakistani.

New!re: why the north won the civil war kathleen davis aug 7, 2012 pm read by: 4reply what impact did. Kennedy's inaugural address, he provided what is quite possibly one of his most famous quotes: my fellow americans, ask not what your country can do for you ask what can you do for your country. My fellow citizens of the world, ask not what america will do for you, but what together we can do for the freedom of man. It is noteworthy that the second line is routinely ignored or simply unknown and for that matter, the existence of any antecedents including that of oliver wendell holmes, sr.

To recall what our country has done for each of us, and to ask ourselves what we can do for our country in return. 1 exactly 44 years after kennedy's inaugural address, it might be worthwhile to revisit the implications of this statement. Can it be said that it is quite the liberal glorification that we are often led to believe that it is? perhaps not. How might one, for example, define country? it is at once a fatherland, a nation with its own government, a national population, a rural land, and/or a territory possessing its own language, people, and culture. In the context in which kennedy and holmes likely used it, it is either the collective government which provides both protection and welfare to its citizens and simultaneously collects taxes and requires obedience to its laws. It is probably not the latter in that the collective of fellow citizens do not routinely and automatically provide much of anything.

It is far more likely that these quotations from our illustrious leaders refer to the idea that our fellow citizens should not be asking what manner of welfare and free rides their country can provide for them, but what they can provide for their government. It is instead that collection of individuals who exercise the rule of the government over its constituents. Accordingly, we might rephrase john kennedy's statement as: ask not what the elite and powerful can do for you ask what you can do for the elite and powerful. oops.

Not quite the same impact of altruism, is it? the rather sad fact is that such a rewording is quite possibly much more realistic and a much better indicator of the state of the world. After all, both kennedy and holmes can hardly be said to be among those thought of as the common man. In fact, the american aristocracy which rules the united states and their counterparts in virtually every democracy, facist government, and theocracy in the world are but examples of elite ruled governments. The elite rulers claim a compassionate kindred with the common workers aka slaves and simultaneously enjoy the fruits of the labors of these menial serfs, also known as my fellow citizens. A really good example of the currency of this view is the political fanatism which sends the commoners to wage wars in such exotic locations and popular tourist destinations as iraq, afghanistan, iran, saudia arabia, and any other locales which have the misfortune to have black gold resting serenely under their sands, jungles, and whatever. In effect, the united states government asks its fellow citizens to do for their country what the country's ruling elite has no interest whatsoever in doing for themselves. The chicken hawks of the current ruling elite are eager to wage war just so long as they're not likely to be in harm's way.

Chicken hawks: the army of media pundits, cabinet members, and military experts arrayed in favor of an attack on iraq who have one startling fact in common. , a vietnam veteran, has phrased it, they come at it from an intellectual perspective versus having sat in jungles or foxholes and watched their friends get their heads blown off. 2 for further clarification, one can visit the webpage, recognizing who served.

On the other hand, when it comes to what their country can do for veterans of these ill fated and ill conceived wars. It's okay for the current crop of scum bags to send the armies over which they have authority to a war a war which was initiated by them at a time of their choosing without adequate armor, equipment, or training for the horrendous task of policing the aftermath of their smart bomb destruction. But it is an entirely different matter to respond to the veterans' needs upon the occasion of their returning home with physical and emotional disabilities.

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The economically inconvenient fact that the government the elite has a contractural obligation to the veterans to provide veteran benefits for those who have served their country seems lately to have fallen through the cracks. Marine returning from the iraqi occupation and subsequently kidnapping and killing a stranger, a 19 year old female. Police said she was killed at the hands of a man who went on a multistate crime spree , a preacher's son who was discharged last year after four years as a marine and arrested last month.

'something happened to my son,' the suspect's mother said, saying he had trouble adjusting to civilian life after serving in iraq. But it changed who he is and for that i'm sorry.' 3 in another unrelated incident, one veteran of the first persian gulf war ended up suing the army after it ordered him to report of duty 13 years after being honorably discharged from active duty and eight years after he left the reserves. Ask what you can do for your country's elite again and again! the lesson to be learned here is that the current administration in the united states and indeed most all administrations in every country in the world throughout history have treated their war veterans as just so much cannon fodder. Once the veterans have shot their wad, so to speak, then they are discarded without fanfare either that or called up for another shot at the brass ring.

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