Essay on War of Terrorism Text

Jonathan Friesen - Writing Coach

Terrorism is the unlawful use of force or violence against persons or property to intimidate or coerce a government, the civilian population, or any segment thereof, in furtherance of political or social objectives. During the 18th century, russia catapulted corpses infected with the plague into positions held by sweden. During the french and indian war of 1754, british troops provided blankets that had been infected with smallpox to the american indians.

Native americans defending fort carillon sustained epidemic injures of smallpox which directly contributed to the loss of the fort to the english. During the 19th century, when president lincoln and 12 other public officials were assassinated, these were acts of terrorism connected to the civil war. Ku klux klan groups began acts of terrorism against african americans that included the use of devices, arson, bombings, and murder. Events of past have shown that no place is immune from the potential of a terrorist attack.

There were incidents in new york laguardia airport, and world trade center , georgia 1996 olympics , oklahoma city oklahoma city federal building , and in alabama new women abortion clinic. Terrorism kills innocent people, hurts the economy, and threatens the globe with biochemical warfare. This article contains two essays on terrorism for school, college as well as competitive examination. Image source: terrorism attacks on civilians and noncombatants for political purposes has an ancient history. Jewish zealots fought the romans the assassins, a shi’i sect of islam, killed muslims who disagreed with their practices in the 11th century and hindu thugees in india killed innocents as part of ritualistic practices from the 7th to the 19th century from the 18th to the late 20th century, most terrorists were motivated by nationalist or political causes.

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Contemporary terrorism is systematic, political, conveys a message, and generates fear. Terrorism may be committed by a state or by individual groups, although some dispute the use of the term for governmental actions. In english the term terrorism derives from the french revolutionary reign of terror under maximilien robespierre, when thousands were sent to their deaths, often at the guillotine, in 1793–94. After world war ii nonstate groups often adopted terrorist tactics to achieve political goals.

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Terrorism was usually the tactic of the weak and disaffected who lacked access to or possession of high technology and sophisticated weapons of war. In the modern era, the media and instant communications provided terrorists with ready platforms to publicize their programs and grievances. Publicity on a global scale permitted terrorists to have a psychological impact far beyond single deeds, thereby greatly magnifying their effects. In their struggles against imperial powers, third world liberation movements sometimes adopted terrorist tactics by attacking civilians as well as colonial armed forces to achieve national independence.

Third world leaders often argued that these tactics were no less terrifying or horrific than the bombing of villages, the use of napalm, or the imprisonment of thousands in concentration camps. However, governments tended to apply the term terrorist only to those groups they disliked or opposed, and to ignore or downplay those groups or countries that used similar tactics against their own citizens or enemies. During the 1960s–70s leftist groups were responsible for numerous terrorist attacks in europe.

Military installations and police stations and attempted to assassinate alexander haig, the supreme allied commander of nato, as well as bankers and media moguls. After most of their leaders had been imprisoned or had died, the meinhof gang’s attacks ended in the 1990s. The communist italian red brigades also kidnapped and killed leading establishment figures. In its struggle against the british, the nationalist provisional irish republican army ira planted bombs in shopping malls and killed lord louis mountbatten, first earl mountbatten of burma, and narrowly missed killing british prime minister margaret thatcher. Similarly, the nationalist basque party eta attacked spanish leaders and placed bombs at targets with heavy civilian use. In the middle east small palestinian marxist leninist groups skyjacked civilian airliners in dramatic and well publicized attacks that brought world attention to the palestinian national cause. The palestine liberation organization plo also launched terrorist attacks against israeli civilians as well as the military.

At the 1972 munich olympic games, palestinians attacked and killed israeli athletes. The kurdish workers party pkk , under abdullah ocalan, mounted a separatist insurgency against turkey the pkk placed bombs on buses and other civilian sites and was outlawed by the turkish government. In asia the nationalist tamil tigers in sri lanka attacked civilians, and the japanese red army, a leftist paramilitary group, launched attacks in europe and elsewhere. In 1995 the group aum shinrikyo released the poison gas sarin in the tokyo subway.

Terrorism escalated throughout much of south america and latin america in the 1970s–80s. During the 1970s the argentina military junta and right wing death squads terrorized and killed opponents. The pinochet regime was also implicated in the car bombing assassinations of a chilean diplomat and pinochet opponent, orlando letelier, and a u.s. During the same period, the shining path terrorized villagers and political leaders in peru, while narco terrorism by criminal drug cartels killed judges, police, and others in colombia. Similarly, leftwing guerrilla forces and right wing death squads killed thousands of civilians as well as religious and nongovernmental volunteers from the international community in el salvador. From the 1960s onward a wide variety of political groups opposing the vietnam war and the conservative establishment or struggling for civil rights in the united states also adopted terrorist tactics.

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