Do Your Homework League of Legends Text

Jonathan Friesen - Writing Coach

Well, i'm about half a year away from being admitted into nanotechnology at waterloo university. In my experience and time, if you let something become an obstruction for you, then it will be so. Experiment with your life! by elliot sowersby on 23 june 2015 league of legends is massive. With over 30 million people watching players compete for a share of over $2m in the world championships, it rsquo s little wonder that many fans would love to play it for a living. However, only a small minority get to experience what it rsquo s like to be a league of legends professional.

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So, if you rsquo re just starting out, how can you break through? pro players jesper lsquo zvanillan rsquo svenningsen. Paul lsquo soaz rsquo boyer and warren lsquo wawa rsquo waldrom have got some top tips for you as they reveal the steps players need to take to follow their dream of becoming a lol pro. Top uk player warren lsquo wawa rsquo waldrom laid down exactly what you need to do to get to the top. Ldquo if your dream is to become an lcs player you're looking at years of playing all day, nearly every day, rdquo said the team infused man. Ldquo and we're not talking about playing hours of dominions or trolling with your friends in arams. It rsquo s a case of grinding soloq which at times can be disgustingly boring, but is the best way to improve as an individual as well as spamming ranked 5 matches with your team when you get one. When you're starting to get good, play hours of scrims against the best teams in your region each day.

Rdquo origen player soaz agreed, adding that to compete at the very top, an average day of practice is probably between 8 to 12 hours. time: 2016 02 20 1:26 utc 1455997286 reporting this problem: the problem you have encountered is with a project web site hosted by This issue should be reported to the hosted project not to if this is a severe or recurring/persistent problem, please do one of the following, and provide the error text numbered 1 through 7, above:

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This option may be re enabled by the project by placing a file with the name .htaccess with this line: they aren't items that improve your stats, but when it doubt get a couple of wards. A common mistake for people who are new to 30, or still getting there, is to assume that you just need to keep loading up on offense with damage dealers. Next time you are in a game where some character on the enemy team is facerolling, consider building some defensive items to counter act that person. It can turn a game around failure to build defense usually just spells game over.

If you are losing you might need to get some defense so you can survive harassment and keep farming/keep them off the tower. Try to spend your early gold such that it maximizes your ability to keep winning once you return to lane. That's one reason people get 2 and even 3 doran's items they're pretty good for the gold you spend and provide immediate benefits health, a boost to your damage type, and either mana regen or life steal.

Hextech revolver is a great caster item because it only costs like 1240 gold, gives 40 ap, and spell vamp and for like 900g more you can turn it into will of the ancients it's a cheap way to get 80 ap, quite a bit of vamp, and an aura that could help teammates. Given her changes last patched, i think irelia players are going to be more inclined to get some quick life steal or bank on a philo, since you'll be activating w more often. They just overhauled it but barely anyone had cause to buy hexdrinker before the last patch i'm not sure that has changed i can't comment yet. Some items tend to only be good for specific characters manamune builds on ranged ad were popular for awhile but it was not optimal to put it another way success when using a manamune build almost certainly could have come more readily by doing something smarter.

But there are characters for whom it makes sense really spammy characters like urgot and especially yorick. It helps to discuss item builds in the context of specific characters, of course. This is one of hopefully many posts about how to be become better at league of legends. For anyone unfamiliar, league of legends, or lol is a moba multiplayer online battle arena where you control a champion and your goal is too destroy the other teams base, where minions spawn periodically. Im not claiming to be the best player but i have alot of experience in lol and will share all i have learnt.

Anyways, onto the first post about learning league of legends! there will be a lot of moba terminology so i will put them at the end of the post. A good jungler can help lanes to win a game, a great jungler will make plays to ensure the team wins. first thing what makes a champion an incredible jungler? well from my experiences,  a fantastic jungler will have most of, if not all the things listed: an aoe skill that can kill the small golems/wraiths/wolves instantly while damaging the large ones.

Some form of crowd control when they gank such as fiddlesticks fear, khazixs slow, nocturnes fear preferably a stun/snare/fear but knockups/backs are fine too! sustain in any form whether that be lifesteal, spell vamp or champion ability that can heal you fiddlesticks drain and hecarims spirit of dread come to mind. Vis vault breaker and shacos decieve are very solid in terms of jumping on the enemy. And last but not least build trinity force for tons of damage! hehe now we know some good traits of a jungler, but what exactly is jungling? well, jungling put simply is going around the map killing camps or mobs of monsters. Where are these monsters? you may have noticed the ancient golem has blue rocks surrounding it and the lizard has red rocks around it. These rocks are called buffs and give an advantage to whoever landed the killing blow on the monster.

The anicent golems buff the blue one gives the champion 25 flat mana regeneration per 5 seconds and 0.5% of their maximum mana or energy per second and has 20% cooldown reduction on their abilities. This is important for junglers since you will be using all your abilites to kill the jungle creeps and the extra mana regen and lower cooldowns are nice. The lizards buff the red one gives the champions physical attacks a debuff that slows the targets movement speed by 8 / 16 / 24% 5 / 10 / 15% for ranged attacks for 3 seconds and a dot that deals 10 44 10 at level 1, increasing by 2 damage for every level gained bonus true damage twice.

Early game the true damage damage over time dot wrecks everyone because no one has enough health yet to deal with the true damage and the slow makes it impossible to escape the attacker. so now that we know what the monsters are and any special powers they have, now what order should we clear them in? i have been trying many different paths and from my experience, these are the most optimal paths for jungling. Some of these are common, well known jungling routes, whiles others i have tried which work well. Wolves ancient golem elder lizard gank wraiths elder lizard ancient golem gank both are equally good. If you want to have more mana regen/cooldown reduction, start wraiths so that blue expires after red buff and if you want a longer slow/true damage on each attack start blue. This requires your team to give you a smiteless leash  ill go over that in the next chapter.

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Wolves ancient golem use smite wraiths wolves elder lizard gank if possible/golems then repeat wolves/wraiths possible without help, but a leash prevents you from dropping low in the jungle. Wolves ancient golem wraiths wolves golems elder lizard wolves wraiths golems keep jungling! this is an interesting route. You will probably hit six around the time the solo lanes are six but you will not be able to gank until six or at least should not with this route.

Very risky in solo q because of lack of communication but in arranged games this is rewarding because the enemies will not know that you have hit six because you have only been in the jungle! champions like nocturne and amumu spike in terms of damage and utility when they hit six. Nocturne can use paranoia to remove all vision from everyone and amumu can stun everyone in a giant aoe. Wards are key to winning and should be bought by the support  everyone.  the support needs to buy items such as aeiges of the legion or shurelias reverie and sometimes cannot afford enough for wards. That is six minutes of vision in bushes to avoid being ganked.  champions such as lee sin, jax and katarina can also jump to them with safeguard, leap strike and shunpo respectively to escape or  finish off an enemy, even the summoner spell teleport works with wards so it is always a good idea to have a few with you since there is no limit to wards.