Do You Buy Cotton Fiber Paper Text

Jonathan Friesen - Writing Coach

fine papermaking with 100% cotton linter amp what is it? for all serious papermaking, paper casting, fiber art paper, and a hundred other paper related arts and crafts, one tiny fiber, hardly longer than the commas in this sentence is considered by many to be the best fibers to use. But a tiny fiber that is left behind on the cotton seed after ginning removes the longer cotton fibers from the seed. The seed are then spit out in to huge mountainous piles many stories high, where they are later scooped up and shaved. The shavings are called linter and it is just the finest, silky fiber of less than a small fraction of an inch.

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In casting, it will give a clear sharp image, hardly possible with most other fibers. Linters, rag, second cut amp half stuff , are different names for a by product of cotton manufacturing. This fiber is eventually removed, baled and later may be processed for a number of different and important uses. Linter is not all the same and may or may not be slightly to greatly different due to the amount of processing done before it is offered for use.

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Cotton linter is of great value in the manufacture of fine quality, strong, long lasting, acid free paper. Handmade papermakers find great benefit in using cotton linter, either alone or combined with other natural and recycled materials when processing their own pulp. And yields highly desirable results when used in all forms of the handmade paper arts.

My personal favor way to buy, and save for future use is confetti cut, highly compressed, snowy white cotton linter. It is so compressed that a single tablespoon full of it in a blender of water will produce 2 full cups of flurry linter pulp in less than a minute. It can then be poured into a slurry vat where it can be used alone, or mixed with other fibers. Cotton linter is such an outstanding addition to the slurry that as little as 10% cotton linter to 90% recycled computer paper will make a very high quality, strong and beautiful paper for all sorts of papermaking uses.

The single largest mistake people make when using the confetti cut, compressed linter is using too much in their blender. Just a single tablespoon full with lots of water and a good tight lid in place, is the formula for a perfect batch of pulp. Started of at a very low speed, then slowly increased to be run for maybe a minute, will do the job. Enjoy the process! staff staff cbs jul 15, 1998 am edt since toilet paper is something that truly touches us all, cbs this morning consumer correspondent herb weisbaum wants you to know about a recent innovation in that area. Herb's report was brought to cbs this morning from a seattle supermarket mdash from the bathroom products aisle, of course. In the first major change in bathroom tissue in the last 100 years, a seattle company has come up with a way to take the paper out of toilet paper. It looks like toilet paper, but there's not one shred of wood fiber in this product.

Because cotton is naturally soft, there's no need to treat it with chemicals the way you do wood fiber. Purely cotton promises to pamper you where you need it most, and all for just few extra pennies a roll. Purely cotton is the creation of tom and willy patterson brown, scottish brothers, who now live in seattle. Herb caught up with these two inventors at the corporate headquarters of linters, inc. So where would you put your company if you made bathroom products? if you're tim and willy, you choose a building located at the corner of first and john.

Fun, yes, but tim and willy are men are on a mission: to convince american consumers it's time to change their bathroom habits. well, if you think about it, says willy, for your entire life you've been using a tissue product that's made from wood. What would you rather use on your personal hygiene? good question, but if you make a better toilet tissue, will people buy it? first, you've got to get them to try it, which is why willy spends a lot of time dressed up in his kilt and passing out coupons. in test markets, the response has been positive, says tim patterson brown. People have come back and bought it again and again, because they've been satisfied with the performance of the product. can people really tell the different between purely cotton and toilet paper? to find out, i got all of my neighbors to give it a try. While no one wanted to rush to the store to buy some, the reviews were generally positive.

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The patterson brown brothers feel confident they have a hit on their hands, so they're going ahead with a national rollout. The plan is to have purely cotton in stores all across the country by the middle of next year. They already have otton facial tissues, and in the future they hope to make everything from disposable diapers to feminine hygiene products out of cotton. Purely cotton is safe to flush down the toilet, it's biodegradable and safe for the septic tank. Purely cotton uses the short fibers left after the long fibers are harvested to make textiles.

The patterson brown brothers have taken their share of ribbing over the whole business. people say, 'you're gonna flush away the competition,' and 'what's the bottom line to the business?' and, ah, we enjoy it. ccewool 1260 2mm pure cotton fiber paper the working temperature is 1050. It is made from high purity ceramic fiber by adding a small amount of binder which will completed burnt out during using process, through production technology with scientific selection and strict control binding.