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Differences in skills and abilities aptitudes are potential abilities, whereas abilities are the knowledge and skills that an individual currently possesses. Schermerhorn 2003 professionals such as doctors, lawyers, and even professional drivers all require a specific level of skill and knowledge to be able to do their jobs. For anyone of these professionals they could not perform their jobs if they had skill but no knowledge or knowledge and no skill. Skills and knowledge are important considerations for a manager when choosing to hire a person. There are many different kinds of tests used to measure mental aptitudes and abilities. Some tests are designed to test specific skills and abilities such as a professional driver would be given a drive test and would be asked to demonstrate their knowledge on how to operate specific equipment on the truck and trailer. Some tests are designed to test general skills and abilities, someone applying for a general secretary job may be ask to take a typing test, 10 key, or demonstrate a general knowledge of computers. These kinds of tests are useful tools for managers and are necessary to screen potential applicants to be sure that they have the ability and skills that are required for the job. Value and attitude differences just as skills and abilities are varied, values and attitude differences are varied as well, they reflect a person's sense of right and wrong or what ought to be. For example, you may value the belief that everyone has the right to be treated with respect and paid equally no matter what his or her gender or age. Lets say you go to work for a company that pays men who are older a higher salary than a person who is younger and female, even though they have equal qualifications. You will probably have the attitude that the company is an unfair place to work and will most likely quit. There is also a generalization of values that is divided into three primary groups according to a study done by arthur mitchell at sri international sri international 1990 the study identifies these as traditional, new, and hybrid. Traditional or older workers with traditional values believe in the company over the person, quantity over quality and uniformity over diversity. The hybrid or mixture of traditional and new is the young entry level workers who are more concerned with making money than they are about their futures the welfare of the society. As more and more baby boomers take over the corporate positions of retired traditionalists we are seeing a shift in the over all north american values from economic to social/personal. The impact of changing values continues to shape the way companies conduct business, treat their employees, and has resulted in the emergence of a new social conscience. Another type of diversity is occupation, with this having an impact on individual behavior. For example, an individual in a professional occupation is more likely to make her own decisions and is more likely to reject being managed too strongly. A medical doctor considers themselves an expert in their area and is likely to consider that nobody else has the same expertise. Diversity is defined as the condition of having or being composed of differing elements: variety especially: the inclusion of different types of people as people of different races or cultures in a group or organization diversity, 2012. These differing elements are becoming more and more prevalent in today’s society, and especially in the business world. Emigrants from every country in the world have made their way to the shores of america, and from there, to millions of companies and organizations across the nation. From the owner of the neighborhood corner store to the ceo position at citigroup and pfizer, foreign born employees are giving this country a new, diverse, face. Int 2 English Critical Essay MarkingDiversity is not just of race, but of age, gender, ethnicity, religion, and disability. In every decade since 1900, the percentage of women 16 years and older in the workplace has increased, going from just 18.3 percent in 1900 to 53.6 percent in 2010 women in the, 2007. In december 1976, there were roughly 2,088,242 blind and disabled workers in the united states.
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