Dissertation Using Grounded Theory Text

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Dissertation using grounded theory,best custom paper writing service professional writing hourly rate official website dr. Surviving theory research method in an academic world: proposal and theoretical frameworks posted barney glaser classic dissertation toward a grounded theory of nursing student attrition submitted by lenora cook school education in partial fulfillment requirements using theory. Grounded theory nursing may 08, 2015 education at emory, a top national dissertation research university, focuses on the. Our team of professionals is going to help you write essay for college or university theory: basic social process dissertation. Just ask we will make one with highest constructivist qualitative report weekly grounded. International journal doctoral studies volume 6, 2011 guiding the use – an example from australian film industry not just several qualitative methods nursing pp. Official website dr doctoral students wanting to use grounded theory as a methodological approach for their dissertation often face multiple challenges gaining acceptance of their approach by their committee.

This paper presents the case that the author used to overcome these challenges through the process of eliminating other methodologies, leaving grounded theory as the preferred method for the desired research issue. Through examining the approach used successfully by the author, other doctoral students will be able to frame similar arguments justifying the use of grounded theory in their dissertations and seeing the use of the how often have i said to you that when you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable. Must be the truth? … sherlock holmes to like many other doctoral students aspiring to use grounded theory for their dissertations, i had a graduate committee comprised of members who had never supervised a dissertation that used grounded theory and whose members had never done grounded theory themselves. As there were no other faculty members on campus who were experts in the approach, and for me, the key to being successful in this approach was to show how grounded theory was not just one possible approach for the desired purpose of the study, but in fact the only appropriate methodology. I moved from broad research issues down to more focused examples, eliminating all the impossible as holmes put it , eventually leaving grounded theory as the only acceptable i deliberately selected texts and references that had been used in previous courses with the committee members as it was felt that they would make relevant exemplars. The intent was to research has been defined as the formal, systematic application of the scientific and disciplined inquiry approach to the study of problems gay amp airasian, 2003, p.3.

Just as there are many different types of problems, there are consequently many different types of research methodologies used to investigate them. Glatthorn and joyner 2005 see the research problem and how to investigate it as intimately intertwined, the identification of the problem and the choice of methodology may be seen as an interactive process, with each there are several important factors to consider when selecting a methodology. Which approach will produce more useful note that the first factor sogunro 2002 advises us to consider is the research purpose. The purpose of the research will drive the rest of the process of selecting an appropriate methodology.

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Merriam and simpson 20 posit, ultimately the value or purpose of research in an applied field is to improve the quality of practice of that discipline p. While this lofty goal of improving practice may indeed be the ultimate goal of the researcher, contributing aspects must be examined as well. First, whose practice is the researcher interested in improving? for the given case of examining how practitioners seek information, the answer to this question may have dramatic effects in the selection of an appropriate methodology. For example, if the researcher was the manager of practitioners and ultimately only wanted to improve the practice of the practitioners directly under his or her charge, this would be a very important consideration.

Instead, the information manager might really only want to know how much practitioners currently use the current package to evaluate whether or not an upgrade would be worthwhile. In this case, evaluation or evaluation research might be appropriate where a decision will be made based on the systematic collection and analysis of data boulmetis amp dutwin, 2005 gay amp airasian, 2003. In addition to whose practice the researcher is interested in improving, the researcher must consider the intended audience for the research. In the examples discussed above, the action researcher or the evaluation researcher may or may not be interested in preparing and/or presenting the results to anyone else.

It may simply be a separate project undertaken in the course of other duties, or it may be formalized in a report to upper management for approval. On the other hand, a pragmatic academic may want to publish the findings in peer reviewed journals that require more rigorous and/or replicable methodological treatments. This too would influence the researcher’s definition of the ultimate purpose for the investigation.

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Dissertations related to an applied field may want to appeal to audiences in both industry and academia. The preferences and skills of the researcher must also be honestly evaluated brause, 20 glatthorn amp joyner, 2005. If the researcher dislikes interacting with people, methodologies that use interviews may not be desirable. If the researcher dislikes statistical analysis, a quantitative approach may be unsuitable. Besides simple likes and dislikes, acknowledgement of skills and preferences towards certain methods may be given and evaluated. For example, if the researcher has extensive experience in correlational research but another approach is warranted, new and/or additional skills may have to be obtained. As mentioned previously by sogunro 2002 , the resources available, particularly money and time, must be considered.

There are at with the above considerations in mind, the researcher begins to be guided towards certain methodologies and away from others. For the purposes of this paper, it will be assumed that there are no overriding constraints on methodology, such as publishing in a journal devoted to a particular approach or having to have the results in a month. Further, it will be assumed that the research will not be used or consumed solely by the researcher, but will be presented to at least a limited audience of academics and professionals with the goal of explaining and potentially even predicting this information seeking behavior. The final product is a defensible dissertation of the quality although one of the stated intents of the research is for it to ultimately be applied by practitioners in the field, there is no desire to judge the information seeking behavior of the participants, only to learn what it is. Although considered a form of applied research, evaluation research approaches would therefore be categorically rejected in this case, as they are intended to be used in rating and making decisions on the subject, as discussed previously. The key word in the research problem is the interest in how practitioners seek information.