Cause And Effects of Global Warming Essay Text

Jonathan Friesen - Writing Coach

далгакиран представляет достаточно широкий спектр промышленного оборудования. одним из основных направлений является реализация холодильной техники, а именно: чиллеры, градирни и теплообменные аппараты. компания dalgakiran поставляет оборудование в страны европы и азии. современные производственные технологии предусматривают системы охлаждения, причем мощность систем охлаждения неукоснительно растет из года в год. чиллер стал неотъемлемой частью многих технологических процессов на предприятии. применение такое техники существенно увеличила производительность труда и качество выпускаемой продукции. но вместе с тем и выросли требования к холодильной технике.

чиллеры компании dalgakiran соответствуют самым высоким стандартам: union directives and relevant hormonized standarts. Gradieren сгущать соляной раствор первоначально градирни служили для добычи соли выпариванием. градирни это устройство для охлаждения большого количества воды направленным потоком атмосферного воздуха. иногда градирни называют также охладительными башнями. чиллеры англ.chill охлаждать это тип холодильного оборудования, используемый для охлаждения жидкости теплоносителя. в качестве теплоносителя используют воду или незамерзающую жидкость. чиллер нашел широкое применение в производстве пластмасс, резины, в пищевой, фармацевтической промышленности, а также в системах кондиционирования воздуха.

теплообме́нный аппарат устройство, в котором осуществляется передача теплоты от горячего теплоносителя к холодному нагреваемому. What is global warming? global warming is the average temperature of earth has increases since 1950 until now the temperature continuing increasing. Global warming can also refers to climate change that causes an increase in the average of temperature. However global warming are causes by natural events and human that are believed to be contribute to increase in average temperatures. Global warming is a serious issue and is not a single issue but a numerous of environmental issues. Global warming is rising the surface temperature of the earth that has changes various life forms on the earth. The issues that causes the global warming is divided into two categories include natural and human influence of global warming.

The global warming happens because the natural rotation of the sun that changes the intensity of sunlight and moving closer to the earth. Almost 100% of the observed temperature increase over the last 50 years has been due to the increase in the atmosphere of greenhouse gas concentrations like water vapour, carbon dioxide co2 , methane and ozone. Greenhouse gases are those gases that contribute to the greenhouse effect see below. The largest contributing source of greenhouse gas is the burning of fossil fuels leading to the emission of carbon dioxide.

When sunlight reaches earth's surface some is absorbed and warms the earth and most of the rest is radiated back to the atmosphere at a longer wavelength than the sun light. Some of these longer wavelengths are absorbed by greenhouse gases in the atmosphere before they are lost to space. These greenhouse gases act like a mirror and reflect back to the earth some of the heat energy which would otherwise be lost to space. The reflecting back of heat energy by the atmosphere is called the greenhouse effect. The major natural greenhouse gases are water vapor, which causes about 36 70% of the greenhouse effect on earth not including clouds carbon dioxide co2. It is not possible to state that a certain gas causes a certain percentage of the greenhouse effect, because the influences of the various gases are not additive. Other greenhouse gases include, but are not limited to, nitrous oxide, sulfur hexafluoride, hydrofluorocarbons, perfluorocarbons and chlorofluorocarbons.

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Greenhouse gases in the atmosphere see above act like a mirror and reflect back to the earth a part of the heat radiation, which would otherwise be lost to space. The higher the concentration of green house gases like carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, the more heat energy is being reflected back to the earth. The emission of carbon dioxide into the environment mainly from burning of fossil fuels oil, gas, petrol, kerosene, etc. 1: cause for global warming: carbon dioxide emissions in million tons per year over the last 200 years. Graph taken from

global warming is urgent and can be addressed

co2 survives in the atmosphere for a long time mdash up to many centuries mdash so its heat trapping effects are compounded over time.

Of the many heat trapping gases, co2 puts us at the greatest risk of irreversible changes if it continues to accumulate unabated in the atmosphere mdash as it is likely to do if the global economy remains dependent on fossil fuels for its energy needs. To put this in perspective, the carbon we put in the atmosphere today will literally determine not only our climate future but that of future generations as well. Substantial scientific evidence indicates that an increase in the global average temperature of more than 3.6 degrees fahrenheit f or 2 degrees celsius c above pre industrial levels poses severe risks to natural systems and to human health and well being. The good news is that, because we as humans caused global warming, we can also do something about it. To avoid this level of warming, large emitters such as the united states need to greatly reduce heat trapping gas emissions by mid century. Delay in taking such action means the prospect of much steeper cuts later if there is any hope of staying below the 3.6 f 2 c temperature goal. Delayed action is also likely to make it more difficult and costly to not only make these reductions, but also address the climate consequences that occur in the meantime.

the consequences of a warming world

over the last century, global average temperature has increased by more than 1 f 0.7 c. The 2001 2010 decade is the warmest since 1880 mdash the earliest year for which comprehensive global temperature records were available. In fact, nine of the warmest years on record have occurred in just the last 10 years. This warming has been accompanied by a decrease in very cold days and nights and an increase in extremely hot days and warm nights. The continental united states, for example, has seen record daily highs twice as often as record daily lows from 20 to 2009.

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While the record shows that some parts of the world are warming faster than others, the long term global upward trend is unambiguous. Of course, land and ocean temperature is only one way to measure the effects of climate change. A warming world also has the potential to change rainfall and snow patterns, increase droughts and severe storms, reduce lake ice cover, melt glaciers, increase sea levels, and change plant and animal behavior.

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