Autism Mla Paper Text

Jonathan Friesen - Writing Coach

length: 547 words 1.6 double spaced pages autism is a physical disorder of the brain that causes a lifelong developmental disability. The many different symptoms of autism can occur by themselves or in combination with other conditions such as: mental retardation, blindness, deafness, and epilepsy. Children with autism often show some forms of bizarre, repetitive behavior called stereotyped behavior. Each child with autism is unique, with their own individual range of symptoms and behaviors. Broad areas of similarity have been identified so that it is now possible to make some basic general statements about what children with autism are like as a group. Some symptoms and characteristics are: failure to develop normal socialization, problems in speech, language, and communication, strange relationships to objects and events, unusual responses to sensory stimulation, and progress delays.

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Studies have found that people with autism have differences in the structure of their cerebellums. Research is still unclear to be able to draw conclusions to biological and genetic causes. Fragile x syndrome is a recently discovered form of genetically caused mental retardation. Both sexes are affected by fragile x syndrome, with males usually more seriously affected. Children with fragile x syndrome can have behavior problems such as: hyperactivity, aggression, self injury, and autistic like behaviors.

Delayed motor development and poor sensory skills are also disabilities associated with fragile x syndrome jordan amp powell, 1995. In the united states, there are at least 400,0 people with autism, about one third of them are children. Autism is one of the most common developmental disabilities harris amp weiss, 1998. For reasons researchers don not know, autism occurs about three to four times more frequently in boys than in girls. For children with more severe cognitive limitations, the ratio is closer to two to one. For the group of children with higher cognitive skills, boys are more frequently represented at a rate greater than four to one. Girls, when affected, are more likely to be more seriously affected by symptoms of autism quill, 1995, p.

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To many experts and parents the number of children with autism seems to be increasing at a faster pace than before. In fact, some recent research studies of the occurrence of autism suggest that it is twice as high as previous studies had indicated jordan amp powell, 1995. Fortunately, the understanding of the needs of children is changing just as is the care applied to the diagnostic process. This is leading to better understanding of the importance of tailoring educational, social, and communication involvement to the needs and strengths of children with autism quill, 1995, p. When autism was identified in 1943, it was a disorder that was misinterpreted and puzzled most professionals. Since than, studies have given us understanding into autism as a brain based disorder which children are born with.

Though no cure has been found to date to treat children with autism, researchers are on the brink of discovery one harris amp weiss, 1998. There are also more companies answering their plea to: write an essay for me and some are much better than others. Students should consider the following points when looking for essay writing services to write essay for me. This is one of the main concerns of students, as they do not have a lot of cash to spend freely. A company should offer their services at reasonable prices, but this should be compared to the quality of their services. If the price is reasonable and the writers are highly qualified, then you have found a winning combination.

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Some people with autism have limited interests, strange eating or sleeping behaviors or a tendency to do things to hurt themselves, such as banging their heads or biting their hands. Adapted from the encyclopedia of psychology if psychological research does not always give us hoped for answers, it does help us sift potent reality from wishful thinking and focus our energy on real solutions. Today clinicians use medication and behavioral interventions to help children cope with autism. Researches have been conducted on the causes and cure for the same but there has not been much progress in the field so far. Research papers on autism are written by students from the perspective of various subjects. An effective autism research paper can be prepared only if the student is clear about the objective of the assignment as there are so many angles from which the topic can be approached. It stands in the way of the normal development of the child’s brain thus impairing his, or her, communication skills.

There are various aspects about this condition which are yet to be studied and some which are being studied on, since a long time. The causes and cures: even after continuous researches, the causes of autism still remain a mystery to the medical field so does the cure. Even though the symptoms can be treated, no cure for autism has been found till date. You can choose to study the causes or cure or the causes of failure in this sector of research as a topic for your autism research papers. Presenting your view: not everyone considers autism as a disease there are many who look at it as a condition or a nature.