Oxford Economic Papers 56 Textdiscussion papers in economic and social history this website is no longer updated from september 2013 onwards click here for the current listing hosted by the economics department more information, including the seminar series, about economic history at oxford can be found on its new homepage. 'the bull is half the herd': property rights and enclosures in england, 1750 1850 pdf file 45. Labour and wages in pre industrial catalonia pdf file we investigate the causes of civil war, using a new data set of wars during 1960 99. We test a `greed’ theory focusing on the ability to finance rebellion, against a`grievance’ theory focusing on ethnic and religious divisions, political repression and inequality. Consistent with the greed theory, both dependence upon primary commodity exports and a large diaspora substantially increase the risk of conflict. Inconsistent with the grievance theory, greater ethnic and religious diversity reduce the risk of conflict. The results are robust to correction for outliers, alternative variable definition, and variations in estimation method. If you experience problems downloading a file, check if you have the proper application to view it first. file url: this paper has been announced in the following nep reports:
How Do I Start Writing My Thesisa new data set measuring income inequality , cema working papers 512, china economics and management academy, central university of finance and economics. political instability and economic growth , nber working papers 4173, national bureau of economic research, inc. a data set on income distribution , cema working papers 575, china economics and management academy, central university of finance and economics. abstract: this paper deals with the existence and identification of a common european growth cycle. Univariate markov switching autoregressions are used for individual countries in order to detect changes in the mean growth rate of industrial production. A markov switching vector autoregression model is then used to identify a common cycle in europe. Three important results are obtained: we find a common unobserved component governing european business cycle dynamics, suggesting the existence of a common business cycle we propose a dating of the business cycle, both for an index of industrial protection and gdp, and both chronologies appear to be consistent and finally we retrieve an important set of stylized facts and relate these with those reported for the us. Finally two further issues are investigated: first, the contribution of the european business cycle to the individual country cycles and second, we undertake an impulse response analysis to investigate the response of each individual country to european expansions and recessions. csae and st antony's college dr anke hoeffler is a research officer at the centre for the study of african economies. Her research interests are mainly in the areas of economic growth and the economics of conflict. She is also a senior associate member at the international peace research institute oslo where she participates in an interdisciplinary study of the relationship between development aid and civil war. Military expenditure in post conflict societies with paul collier 2005, economics of governance, forthcoming. The political economy of secession with paul collier , 2005, forthcoming in hannum, h. Lanham md: lexington books greed and grievance in civil wars with paul collier , 2004, oxford economic papers 56: 663 595. Africa's exodus: capital flight and the brain drain as portfolio decisions with paul collier and catherine pattillo , 2004, journal of african economies 13: ii15 ii54. Aid, policy and growth in post conflict countries with paul collier , 2004, the european economic review 48: 1125 1145. On the duration of civil war with paul collier and m ns s derbom , 2004, journal of peace research 41 3: 253 273. Breaking the conflict trap: civil war and development policy, 2003 with paul collier, lance elliot, h vard hegre, marta reynal querol and nicholas sambanis world bank policy research report. Ber die konomischen ursachen von b rgerkriegen, 2003, with paul collier in: albrecht, h.j. Entorf eds , kriminalit t, konomie und europ ischer sozialstaat, heidelberg: physica verlag. On the incidence of civil war in africa with paul collier , 2002, journal of conflict resolution 4 28. Aid, policy and peace with paul collier , 2002, defence and peace economics 13 6:435 450. Violence against civilians in civil wars: looting or terror? with jean paul azam , 2002, journal of peace research 39: 461 485. The augmented solow model and the african growth debate, 2002, oxford bulletin of economics amp statistics 64 2: 135 158. Openness, investment and growth, 2001, journal of african economies 10 4: 470 497. Flight capital as a portfolio choice with paul collier and catherine pattillo , 2001, the world bank economic review 15: 55 80. On economic causes of civil war with paul collier , 1998, oxford economic papers 50: 563 573. [email protected], +44 0 1865 271084 abstract: the evolution of income distribution is studied in a dynamic model of education choice where both public and private education are available. The analysis focuses on neoclassical growth in order to ensure tractability in identifying a steady state. Possible voting equilibria in the steady state are characterized, with steady state income distribution found to be bimodal. Public education offers higher growth to the poor in the transition to the steady state, however public education students converge to the lower mode of the income distribution. Under some conditions, universal public education offers steady state human capital superior to that available to any student in the mixed education model considered, while universal private education unconditionally offers steady state human capital superior to that of the mixed education model. Publications and work in progress war and peace the economics of violent conflict and war in africa. Forthcoming in: the oxford handbook of africa and economics: context and concepts. �greed’ versus ‘grievance’: a useful conceptual distinction in the study of civil war? 2011. A thematic paper supporting the oecd dac incaf project ‘global factors influencing the risk of conflict and fragility’. On the causes of civil war, 2012, chapter 9 in the oxford handbook of the economics of peace and conflict michelle garfinkel and stergios skaperdas, eds. High value natural resources, development and conflict: channels of causation with paul collier 2011, in: strengthening post conflict peacebuilding through natural resource management, volume 1, eli and the united nations environment programme unep.
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