My Career Goals Essay Text

Jonathan Friesen - Writing Coach

The times these days in business are demanding more and more of the people that they hire. A first priority is a bachelor degree in most jobs that offer a decent salary or way of life. Pursuit of my degree is something i'm actively taking a fast stride in and i'm not planning on stopping there. I have a future planned for a better education, a positive outlook, and carrying on my family's history with successful accomplishments. I enjoy learning all aspects of life and some are harder than others but we press on and make the best of the future to come.

Education education is a high priority in anything that i'll do in pursuit of moving up the ladder in my future career. A high paying job isn't always right there in front of my face but having a bachelor of arts degree will help in whatever path i take being i honestly don't know what specific job i want to do. It's hard to stay on track sometimes with some of the demands that are put on me as student.

I have quite a bit of schooling from before i went into the service now that i'm in i've got more of an educational outlook then ever. So much is offered to me in the way of education and i'm taking full advantage in pursuit of my degree and a good paying job outside of the uniform. My goals have been predetermined by my dreams and ambitions and fueled by a desire to better and make something of myself, to find my niche and ultimately my significance in this thing called life. When i relocated to dallas in april of 1998, my dream was to simply finish school, pay down my debts, buy a house and live happily ever afteressentially to live a modern day fabrication of the american dream. Now, five years later, my dream and personal goals have now become larger and more ambitious, but i have yet to see many of my original dreams manifest themselves until now. Within the last year, i have had the ability to look deeper into myself and realize that i have so many talents and gifts to give others if i could only find the vehicle that would help me achieve my personal goals and that allowed me once and for all to reach for my dreams, to make myself complete. I now have a vehicle that will allow me to embrace knowledge, to abandon my fears and to ultimately accomplish what i originally set out to do.

At an early age, i can recall my parents purchasing building blocks, electronic robotic lego toys and game puzzles to encourage me to think and use my imagination. My fascination with taking things apart and putting them back together to determine how they worked turned into hours of entertainment and my parents, as well as friends, were surprised at my cleverness. Once, i can recall that i even experimented with electricity by taking my moms hairpin and inserting it into the electrical outlet on the wall i have to admit it was a shocking and highly educational experience. As i progressed through school, i took interest in literatures, history, sciences, and music. Although i was very interested in computers and telecommunications, i found myself heavily challenged by the higher mathematics and thus shunned away from that field until later in life when i began to solidify and synchronize my educational and career path with my goals and dreams. However, in this process of pursuing these goals and dreams, i again experienced courses that challenged my g.p.a and more importantlyme. With eyes wide shut, i surrendered on several occasions at various institutions of higher learning deciding i would not go into the discipline of landscape architecture, nor computer science, nor even telecommunications management.

Whenever a subject came along my path that threatened my integrity, i backed down and shied away from the challenge when i should have taken the path that was less traveled and bit the bullet. Now, i am older and i have learned more from my mistakes and have grown from them as a person, as an individual who desires, even covets knowledge at whatever the costs. Currently, i have a comfortable and easy job with an adequate income, live in a nice apartment in the state of texas, have had the opportunity to associate myself with a lot of great friends, and have also experienced many promotions and advances since my career and educational trek began many years back.

But, i desire and crave more as an individual with predetermined desires and ambitions for a better, more diverse and eclectic lifestyle. Although i have a supervisor who encourages her employees personal development and promotes within the company, i still have grown bored with my repetitious work as a revenue analyst i am unhappy living in an apartment preferring one day to own my own home with someone whom i love dearly. Additionally, i feel i limit myself by staying in the state of texas and feel the need to move out of state eventually once that opportunity presents itself. In the meantime, i know i have opened my eyes and my mind to the possibilities that are out there for me when i am prepared to embark on such a challenge.

Altogether, i am preparing myself for the possibilities out there by attending the university of phoenix. I do not know what my future holds, where i will live exactly or the company for whom i will work. I do know that a degree will give me the confidence and the edge to have the mobility i need to make my decisions when the time comes it will enable me to get a better job or to go into business for myself or even teach on the side it will raise my income expectation and allow me to support my parents when and if they need my help.

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In summary, obtaining this degree will give me a sense of accomplishment because i will finally prove to myself that i can face up to any challenge if i am just willing to take a little drive down an occasional bumpy road. attention. provides free sample essays and essay examples on any topics and subjects. essay writing service produces 100% custom essays, term papers amp research papers, written by quality essay writers only. You can order a custom essay on career goals now! there is a common misconception that we want to clear up: that an acceptance letter to a top tier business school is all about what you’ve achieved so far. An acceptance letter to a top tier mba program is not a blue ribbon for past achievements. While it’s certainly true that admissions committees want to know what you’ve accomplished thus far, it’s because they are trying to assess your future promise – your potential. You must convince the admissions committee that you are just getting started and that you will achieve even greater things in the future! one of the primary ways is to get the admissions board excited about your future plans – and you can do that with your career goals essay.

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One question appears in some form in just about every application: what are your short term and long term career goals and how will our program prepare you to achieve those goals? is the admissions committee really all that interested in what job you hope to get when you graduate? do they want to read 10,0 essays about each candidate’s rung by rung plan for climbing the corporate ladder? not really. If not, then why do they ask the career goals question? they ask the question because they want to be convinced that you have outstanding potential. At mba prep school, we define potential as a collection of capabilities fueled by passion and directed by purpose toward a defined set of career goals. It follows that an a+ career goals essay must express your career purpose, career goals, and career action plan. Many candidates undermine their chances for admission by proposing a set of lofty career goals that don’t appear realistic when viewed in the context of their past experiences and strengths.

Grand ambitions are fine but you can hurt your chances for an acceptance letter if you are unable to convince admissions officers that the dots connect from your past accomplishments to your future aims. Defining your career goals is a central step in formulating your application strategy because a powerful career goals essay will tell the admissions officers how you plan to become a leader of consequence once you graduate. The coherence of your career goals essay will serve as an elegant proof of your potential. Your career goals, if properly developed and defined, will set you apart from other candidates competing for a spot at that school and that’s exactly what you want them to do. To help you meet this challenge, we’ve created a simple rubric that you can use to predict how your career goals essay might be graded by the admissions committee. By grading your essay drafts on your own, you will be able to determine how to improve upon the quality of your essay.

Your career goals address a significant problem that you have the capabilities to solve, in a field that you are passionately interested, the career goals are personally meaningful, and the results are socially beneficial. Professional goals of nursing like many of us, choosing nursing as a career was brought on by past experiences that made me appreciate the field and its merits. As the oldest of five girls and living in a single parent household, i was taught responsibility from a very early age. New to this country sixteen years ago, my mom depended on me to run the house and take care of my sisters, while she worked two jobs to support my family.