Do Kindergarteners Have Homework Text

Jonathan Friesen - Writing Coach

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if you are a maintainer of this web content, please refer to the site documentation regarding web services for further assistance. This option may be re enabled by the project by placing a file with the name .htaccess with this line: at our school, kindergartners do 2 worksheets a night one math, one phonics and are expected to read/be read to for at least 15 minutes each night on weekdays. They also have other special projects memorizing lines for chapel performances/concerts, special posters, art projects, etc. In the push for more academic standards and high stakes testing, the expectation for kindergarten today is what was expected in first grade 20 years ago. Kids are expected to learn their letters, letter sounds, and counting in preschool and are reading and doing addition and subtraction in kindergarten. So, to those that are thinking back a generation to when they were in kindergarten, the same rules just don 039 t apply. How to motivate your child? homework in kindergarten is reinforcement of what has already been taught for those who need it, and practice developing good study/learning habits for everyone else.

Set aside 15 minutes each day monday thursday and have her complete two or three worksheets. On school days, make it a habit to come home, have a snack, play for a half hour and then do her homework if she 039 s advanced, as you say, she can do it sitting at the kitchen table or at a counter near you as you prepare dinner so you 039 re available for questions but don 039 t need to hover over her. On sunday nights, make it a special family time after dinner to discuss what you did over the weekend and what you 039 re looking forward to in the next week and help her to create a journal entry about what you discussed.

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With the right attitude, it can be a great bonding time for the whole family and turn into a regular discussion time that you 039 ll appreciate when she 039 s older. If you convey the attitude that her schoolwork isn 039 t beneficial, then what are you teaching your daughter about work ethic, respect for teachers, and the value of education? my 6 year old is required to read for 15 minutes every evening, write spelling words they have a spelling test every friday with 20 words , do daily. Show more my 6 year old is required to read for 15 minutes every evening, write spelling words they have a spelling test every friday with 20 words , do daily writing, and read a 3 page list of sight words.

They have coloring amp singing activities by rotation, only 1 time a week for each. I pack her a snack to eat every day, and some days she tells me she didn 039 t have time to eat it. It seems rather harsh to me, i was wondering if it is normal? i’m angry.  i’m upset and i’m frustrated.  and i know i am not alone. My disgust has a target: the homework packet that came home with my five year old kindergartener on monday.  the six page albatross includes writing, math, drawing, story problems, coloring, and a nature walk. The assignments must be completed throughout the week   after a full day of school am until pm.  the long day itself is physically, mentally and emotionally exhausting for a five or six year old.  my son naps at least a half hour when he gets home just to make it through the rest of the day.

When giving her rationale for the homework, my son’s teacher like teachers at schools across the county said that such assignments help build life long habits of independent learning and get him into the habit of homework. The developmental requirements of the worksheets now sitting on my dining room table are well above a skill appropriate level for any five year old to complete independently. The assignments require step by step, hands on interpretation, guidance and prodding from a parent.  every aspect of the homework, from reading the instructions to completing the work must be read out loud and explained by an adult.

But the problem only starts there.  there are a myriad of other reasons why the homework is inappropriate: although i have taught my son to read using an amazing book , he is not yet reading at a level that allows him to understand the detailed directions on the worksheets, he does not know how to spell.  therefore, any answers he writes must be dictated to him by me or copied from something that i write first, if my kindergartner does not complete his homework, it’s not his fault.  it’s mine. So what is that supposed to teach him? if he fails, it’s mom’s fault? what is the lesson there?  i value the fact that i am teaching my son personal responsibility for his actions.  but with this stupid homework, the school is fostering a blame game that will take years to undo. Then i have to ask:  why so much reinforcement of learning in the first place? is this homework making up for poor classroom management?  are the children in my son’s class unable to accomplish everything necessary to meet grade level standards within the parameters of the school day? i know that the answers to these questions are no.

If my son has copious amounts of skill inappropriate homework and is unable to exercise and play outside, will the school then tell me that my kid is fat and dictate my grocery shopping lists? it sounds paranoid, but i’ve seen it happen in other schools.  do a little research on the internet, and you will find scores of parents who are as upset as i am. I’m in a quandary about all of this.  do i swallow hard and play along?  do i cause a stink with a very enthusiastic first year teacher?  do i not do the homework with my son and dare the school to fail him?  i will be having a meeting with the teacher and the principal, but i’m waiting for my anger to simmer down.  if you know anything about me, you know that an angry joelle is a real trouble maker. If anyone has a study that shows that giving me and my five year old homework worksheets will make him better at anything, i am open to reading it. Perhaps it is time for schools and teachers to look at what is developmentally best for a child.   forcing me to do my son’s age inappropriate homework and then create a situation where he has no responsibility for getting it done is definitely not that.  maybe its time for parents to stand up and demand age and skill level appropriate homework and no homework at all for children before the second grade.

 anyone with me? and in case you were wondering: yes, i do have a teaching credential.  it’s expired.  just like i am. I'm not sure what's normal but i have heard a rule of thumb that 10 minutes per night per grade is a good guideline so 10 minutes per night in k, 20 in first grade, 30 in second grade, etc. I think in kindergarten, the goal should be just to help your child understand that learning happens at home too instead of just thinking learning lives in a box called school . It's also great to start to develop good homework habits and routines while the homework is still fun stuff instead of trying to get your kid excited about homework when it's harder work as grades advance. I think if you or your child is feeling overwhelmed by the amount of homework, it's important to talk to the teacher about it. He or she may be willing to work out a customized plan or alternate homework assignments for your child.

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