Custom Reasearch Essay Text

Jonathan Friesen - Writing Coach

Research papers and term papers are very similar projects and there is some elusive if any difference between the two terms. It is imperative that the student presents an extensive review of literature pertinent to the subject and conveys personal findings and observations in light of the concepts and theories derived from the books.

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Reformers attempt to find solutions to these issues and effectively implement them. National organizations to contact for additional information american prison association american correctional association, 8025 laurel lakes court, laurel lakes, md 20707–5075. Alcatraz, sing sing this research topic guide is intended to help the library user find information and materials on a particular topic in many sources throughout the library. Resources on this topic are not limited to those described and availability will depend upon the individual library. Heilbroner, he discusses how stereotypes cause us to prejudge the different types of people in the world before actually getting to know them.

He writes about the types of stereotyping and how we do it without recognizing it, when we begin, and what we should do to try to prevent it. Especially the points about childhood stereotyping, how we try to make sense of the world, and what we should try to do to prevent ourselves from stereotyping so much. Not only do we begin to typecast at an early age, our peers greatly influence how we are to typecast another peer. Some of the children who are fit and in shape might exclude and over weight child because they are thought to be slow or not athletic. Even if a child receives good grades, he or she might be typecast as a teacher’s pet.

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This child may not be liked by his peers just because he does well in school and he can be called names such as dork or geek. Things like this can scar a child mentally and even cause a low feeling of self worth. It takes us a while to realize that these simple assumptions aren’t always correct. Sometimes stereotyping can be used to help us make sense of this complicated world.

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There are so many different types of people that we actually put them into categories to try to help us understand them. Actually, putting people into categories kind of blinds us from seeing the true person. We categorize by race, occupation, physical appearance, and a variety of other things. Out of all the things we have to offer, the color of our skin and culture background we have seems to stick out the most.

In the past there were certain hate groups such as the k, that showed extreme hatred towards any other race than the white race. Now days stuff like this is very rare although hatred of other races is still among us. We have come to more of an expectance that the only thing different was the color of skin. The author suggest that we become aware of the standardized pictures in our head and disregarded them and that we should begin with individualism rather than begin with a type. Doing so can help us know people for who they really are rather than what the world says they are. Even though getting the mental pictures out of or heads can be hard, it’s something that should be done.

Another thing we can do to prevent stereotyping is to get out explore our differences in culture and make your own judgement. Every person has a story behind him or her and every person has something unique about him or her. Agreeing with all the points that the author makes in this essay we can see that stereotyping is something some of us do on a daily basis and we need to realize this. And it seems as though it does not help the world and it does not make us feel better about ourselves. Many of the things we hear and see while growing up paint those mental pictures in our heads and sometimes we prejudge subconsciously without even realizing it. Maybe we should start with our children and tell them to get to know someone before excluding them in groups.