College Essay on Respect Text

Jonathan Friesen - Writing Coach

respect is the kind behavior and activity, which one expresses towards another person or a group of people with the intention to demonstrate his honor towards them. Every well educated and well bred person knows that respect is a very important thing in human society. Respecting a person, you will never be rude to her and listen to her advice carelessly, but capture every word and treat it seriously. Demonstration of respect should not be expressed only towards people you like, but to everybody, who deserves it. The most common situation of showing respect can be occurred when you meet a stranger and you try to look nice and kind showing your respect in order to make a positive opinion about yourself in his eyes. For example, in sports and various competitions sportsmen should treat their rivals with respect, because everybody is strong enough to win the competition.

The human history knows many examples of respect during various wars and conflicts. Sometimes a soldier fought so passionately and skillfully, that when being captured he was allowed to live and sometimes he could be given freedom, because the commander was impressed by his fighting skills and showed his respect to the enemy in such a way. Respect is a noble behavior, but today it can be met rarely, because the society is becoming more evil and selfish.

Even the quality of respect is being altered and expressed insincerely or artificially. Every child should be taught respect in order to exist in the human society well. Without knowledge of the norms of respect, it is difficult to make friends, make prosperous career, even find love.

A properly composed essay on respect for children should be logically structured, interesting and informative. A student is supposed to present a fascinating narration about respect and responsibility, its types, its value and importance. Finally, an essay should contain good methods and tips which will help parents to teach kids express their respect. Writing an essay, one should possess good knowledge of the phenomenon to be able to analyze it and draw wise conclusions. Sometimes students have problems with formatting of the paper and its structure, so it is useful to borrow writing experience of the professional and read a free example essay on respect for parents, which will help you to collect more data for analysis and will teach you to compose the paper according to the general required standards.

Nearly every student who reads a free sample essay on respect for others is able to prepare his own paper with correct structure and methods of analysis and presentation of data. caution! free essay samples and examples about respect are 100% plagiarized. at writing service you can order a custom essay on respect  topics. We hire top rated phd and masters writers only to provide students with professional essay help at affordable rates. Just visit our website and fill in the order form with all paper details now: enjoy our professional essay writing service! joan didion explores the meaning of self respect. It can be from how one person is taught as growing, earned or derived from family members. Didion’s essay shows us the may form of respect and throughout her writing she portrays various scenarios to define self respect. A person who does not have self respect does not respect others usually this person has low self esteem.

When a person have low self esteem, on the outside the person looks tough and unapproachable this is because to hide the insecurities of his or hers inside as didion said without self respect is to be unwilling audience of one to an interminable documentary that details one’s failing. As a society we can be pre judgmental when we see a person disrespect him or herself we assume that they might not have a good role model or live in a positive environment. The cause of a person’s distraction of self disrespect is associated with behavioural, emotional and family issue most people who grow up with this type of behavior lack self respect.

A person who have self respect, does respect others usually this persons is self assured and have a very good back ground. When a person is fully content and respectful to others it shows that the person has a positive attitude. The more a person values him or her, the more that person knows that they are worth something. The more the person listens to themselves feelings and opinions, the more they know that they are worth something. Having self respect for one self and others will lead to a successful positive life.

We learn to have self respect from our parents, grad parents, relatives, teachers, clergymen etc…. People we come in contact with frequently especially parents and grand parents are the most influential when it comes to learning because they. It can be defined as a positive feeling of appreciation towards a person or thing. Respect expresses the regard and consideration shown by an individual towards others. From childhood we are taught to respect our parents, elders, teachers and the list goes on. On the other hand, self respect does not violate the individuality or respect of others.

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On the other hand, ego can be defined as forceful or aggressive imposition of one’s thoughts or judgements over the others. A person unintentionally judges the other on the basis of the expressed behaviour and qualities possessed by him. Respect is also an expression of accepting a certain trait or set of traits shown by that person.

The qualities or traits that we appreciate, we tend to respect those who own them. An individual who possess high moral values and shows compassion and solidarity towards other human beings is respected by a large section of society. Then there are other traits like general behaviour, reaction, response and a personal growth etc. We can act in ways which are considered respectful, yet we can also feel respect for someone and feel respected by someone.

Because it is possible to act in ways that do not reflect how we really feel, the feeling of respect is more important than the behavior without the feeling. If respecting someone means respecting their feelings and their survival needs, then if a person does not respect your feelings, they don’t respect you. If those in positions of power and authority do not respect your needs and feelings, they will not earn your respect. Showing someone respect is similar to valuing them and their thoughts, feelings, etc. It also seems to include acknowledging them, listening to them, being truthful with them, and accepting their individuality. Respect when earned, is more stable, more specific, and allows for a better relationship then when it is simply demanded. The reason respect is so important is because if respect is unjustly demanded by everyone, everywhere, all the time, the idea of respect, will be cheapened and true respect will become almost worthless.

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