Basic English Paper Outline Text

Jonathan Friesen - Writing Coach

An outline presents a picture of the main ideas and the subsidiary ideas of any subject. Some typical uses of outlining are: a class reading assignment, an essay, a term paper, a book review or a speech. Some professors will require an outline in sentence form, or require the main points to be in chronological order, or have other specific requirements. A student’s first responsibility, of course, is to follow the requirements of the particular assignment. The library presents it as a quick reminder because students often ask about outlining, and the information is not easy to find quickly in various reference books. Sub points under the capital letters, if any, take italic numbers and are further indented.

Subsidiary or supporting idea to ii it is up to the writer to decide on how many main ideas and supporting ideas adequately describe the subject. However, if there is a i in the outline, there has to be a ii if there is an a, there has to be a b if there is a 1, there has to be a 2, and so forth. Suppose you are outlining a speech on aids, and these are some of the ideas you feel should be included: azt, transmittal, aids babies, teenagers, safe sex, epidemic numbers, research.

To put these ideas into outline form, decide first on the main encompassing ideas. Are they part of aids transmittal or aids societal consequences or aids research solutions? the complete outline might look like this: ii. Societal consequences of aids basic 5 paragraph argument essay outline: this outline also serves for other essays such as research papers, or the basic 5 paragraph essay.the purpose of an outline or diagram is to put your ideas about the topic on paper. You have the basic structure for your essay and are ready to continue.essay writing in elementary, middle and high school is easy if you know the steps to follow: create an outline, thesis, introduction, body and to write a basic outline for an essay. As important as the skeletal system is to the human body, so is the outline to the well written essay.

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It is possible to write a paper without an outline, but it might suggest that your paper lacks organization if it proves impossible to write an outline that describes the thinking process behind your paper. At the least, a tentative outline can suggest areas in which your paper needs additional work or supporting details to bolster main ideas or, on the other hand, areas which have too much emphasis and need to be pruned down to avoid an imbalance. It might also help you to see how ideas are related and where connections or transitions are necessary between sections of your paper.

Furthermore, the outline will help you visualize how ideas fit within the thesis statement that is taking shape in your mind. Remember that your outline is only a tentative skeleton to hang ideas on limbs can be lopped off or added as the writing proceeds. Your instructor might require you to submit a formal outline for approval before you write your paper or to go along with your final draft. the guide to writing research papers has a special section on writing outlines, and we recommend you review that material.

From that document, here is one image below that might prove especially helpful, a sample outline from the mla handbook of another proposed paper. The important thing to notice about it is how supporting details are arranged beneath more important ideas and the outline branches out toward the right as ideas become more supportive in nature. If there is no b, maybe there shouldn't be an a, or a should be incorporated into the paper in some other way. Based on the mla's sample, here is thruston parry's tentative outline for his proposed paper on the effects of el ni o:

    disastrous weather effects
      december ice storm in maine
        huge power outage schools out 2 wks jobs lost cost in trees replacing power poles, etc.
      rains in ca
        mudslides highways ripped apart expensive homes in ocean insurance costs
      weather in fl
        killer tornadoes freeze in march
          dead oranges costs of other fruits
      other disasters
        flash floods in az .
    not so bad effects
      mild winter in new england flowers in death valley desert skiing conditions in co mild winter in upper plains
    long term effects
      power lines go underground landscape
        trees . Does the outline help us resolve what that controlling idea might be? before finally sitting down to write our paper on el ni o, we might check out what we can find out about it on the internet at a site like this one from the environmental news network being careful, of course, to give proper credit for any ideas we borrow and not to let the thoughts of others overshadow our own good ideas.

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        Such tools help the writer organize his/her material logically by helping him/her sort and classify the material systematically. A secondary outcome of the process of sorting and classification is the ability to see the relationships that exist between ideas in our writing. This insight helps the writer develop a organized plan of presenting the material. Outlines, in all their forms, serve four basic functions:

          to present a logical, general description, to summarize schematically, to reveal an organizational pattern, and to provide a visual and conceptual design of the writing. B efore we begin to write an outline, we must have progressed far enough into our planning such that we know the at least three things:
            the purpose of our paper, the thesis of our paper, and our audience.
          then, we can brainstorm and list all the ideas you want to include in this writing, organize our work by grouping ideas together that are related to each other, order our work by dividing the material into groups ranging from the general to the specific, or from abstract to concrete, and label the work by creating main and subtopic headings and writing coordinate levels in parallel form. A n outline has a balanced structure which uses the principles of
            parallelism, coordination, subordination, and division.