Aqa Gcse English Literature Coursework Text

Jonathan Friesen - Writing Coach

We usually tell schools and colleges who their controlled assessment adviser is in the autumn term. Controlled assessment advisers are subject experts and the best person to contact with questions about controlled assessment. If you don't know who your adviser is, please email the subject team at english [email protected] we work with you to bring your marks in line with the standard. Face to face coursework meetings are held in various locations around the country, although we are phasing them out in favour of online standardisation. Find out whether your subject materials are held online or if you'll need to attend a meeting.

If you are a new centre and you haven't received information about standardisation, please email english [email protected] teacher online standardisation t ols may be accessed at e aqa using a password from your examination officer. The coursework deadline for the november series is 5 november for gcse english and english language. For the june series it is 7 may for gcse english, english language and english literature. Extension requests must reach us as early as possible to give us enough time to help you. If coursework is missing for any reason loss, theft or damage , you must let us know as soon as possible. Exemplar materials, assessment criteria and other resources to help you prepare your students for controlled assessment are available on t ols.

You can mark pieces of exemplar work here, compare your mark to that of the principal moderator, and read the rationale behind their mark. There are examples of marked examination questions on the secure key materials section of e aqa. Download controlled assessment tasks from secure key materials on e aqa using a password obtained from your examination officer. For more detailed information on any of the tasks, please contact your subject adviser. Controlled assessment tasks will change every year but there will always be two years' worth available.

The controlled assessment task bank used must always relate to when marks will be submitted. The front page of the aqa controlled assessment tasks clearly shows the series in which they should be used, for example, 2013/14 task banks are used when new work is submitted in november 2013, june 2014 and november 2014. Anthologies can be used in aqa gcse english, english language and english literature. For unit 47102 only english literature anthologies are sent to centres automatically on entry. Otherwise, teachers can order hard copies of the anthologies for teaching purposes: moon on the tides for poetry and sunlight on the grass for short stories. If you have not received an order form for the anthologies, and your centre has not already requested copies, please contact exams office support on 0800 197 7162 or +44 203 671 8010 from outside the uk or [email protected] who will fax another order form to you. It is the responsibility of centres to ensure that candidates are supervised according to our guidance and that the declaration form is signed.

Candidates may prepare a draft, but teachers should not provide any feedback on the draft. Candidates are not permitted to take a draft into the controlled assessment with them, only brief notes. Teachers should use their professional judgement and bear in mind that our experience shows that long, detailed notes can disadvantage candidates. We have produced a notes pro forma see candidate notes below which schools are recommended to use.the notes should be submitted with the final piece for moderation.

For gcse english, english literature and english language the notes are limited to 150 words for submissions in 2015 and beyond, and the pro forma must be used. If students do any work on the actual task prior to the assessment taking place, the teacher must not mark it or comment on it, as this would be seen as drafting and re drafting. Therefore, centres should consider carefully the best time to release the title to the students. There can be no intervention by any member of staff once a controlled assessment session has started. Marked work should not be given back to students but they can be told what mark and band they attained but not the grades as these have not been awarded at this stage. Students can receive general feedback on the skills achieved and the areas for improvement in future. This is because aqa takes the view that any advantage gained by having a scribe will be balanced by the disadvantage caused by the rather difficult process of working with a scribe.

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If students qualify for extra time during terminal assessments then this may be applied to the write up time of controlled assessments but not the preparation time. Teachers may submit only work that can be authenticated with complete confidence that it is the student's own. Fill out the centre mark form, send the pink and yellow copies to your moderator and send the white copy back to us at aqa.

It is not intended to offer advice about how to approach the course, although it will be a good guide. This gcse is assessed through two elements: coursework 40% examination paper one 30% paper two 30% your folder should contain four written responses and three speaking and listening assessments. Written responses 20% of total mark:

    shakespeare prose study usually based on pre 1914 prose fiction media original writing
speaking and listening categories 20% of total mark:
    explaining, describing, narrating exploring, analysing, imagining discussing, arguing, persuading
these pieces can be used as 'crossover' pieces when studying for gcse english literature see below. The two examination papers are structured in the following way: paper one: section a reading and understanding comprehension style questions 1 hour.

45 mins paper two: section a poetry 'different cultures' 45 mins an essay question on either cluster 1 or cluster 2 of the anthology poetry section 'different cultures'. 45 mins this gcse is assessed through two elements: coursework 30% examination one examination paper 70% your folder should contain three written responses. Written responses 100% of total coursework mark:

    pre 1914 drama shakespeare piece from english language submission can be used see above pre 1914 prose prose study piece from english language submission can be used see above post 1914 drama
note: approximately 2% of the total coursework mark is awarded for the 'quality of written communication. Qwc has replaced the term spg 'spelling, punctuation and grammar' the one examination paper is structured in the following way: section a post 1914 prose 45 mins section b pre 1914 and post 1914 poetry 1 hour. If you're using the aqa anthology for this you will choose one pair from: seamus heaney and gillian clarke simon armitage and carol ann duffy in addition you will need to have studied some of the bank of pre 1914 poems in the anthology.

There are two important points to remember: your teacher will decide your title. Perhaps you will be able to alter it, or even agree a new topic, but the title that is finally chosen is the one you must answer. This is the one you will be marked on, so make sure it is the one you write or talk about. You do not have to include lots of background information or details about the life of shakespeare to write a brilliant essay. All you need to do is focus on the question and include information about the plot, characters, themes, dramatic effects and language.

Let's have a look at a few typical romeo and juliet questions: first 638 words of the document: how far is inspector goole a believable policeman? how does priestly use the j.b priestly has written a play called an inspector calls to portray the difference between how different statuses are treated in society. Priestly has a very successful way of putting across his views about responsibility. He exposes his views on responsibility and many other things through the inspector goole and all the way through the audience has the feeling that he is not like other police inspectors.

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