An Expository Essay on The Flying Fish Text

Jonathan Friesen - Writing Coach

сохрани ссылку на реферат в одной из сетей: expository essay – the old man and the sea essay, research paper everyone has an arch enemy. One could say that they needed their enemies, that their enemies were almost friends. Similarly, the old man and the sea, by ernest hemingway, is a love story about the relationship developed over the years between a man and his lifelong friend and foe, the sea. Within the following paragraphs, it will be proven that the man needed the sea, that the two respected each other, and were very close.

P.30 this was considered improper to the older fishermen, as it was spoken of like a place or a contestant. He always thought of the sea as la mar which is what people call her in spanish when they love her. When he heard the dolphins playing in the night he thought, they are good…they are our brothers like the flying fish.

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P.48 he had almost reeled the giant marlin in when he realized what he was doing. P.92 even as he ate the fish that he would catch, or as he killed scavengers trying to get the marlin, he was apologizing or talking to his family. Throughout the several days in which he tried to catch the marlin, he constantly spoke to it. He had just eaten a fish to get his strength back when he said, how do you feel, fish? i feel good and my left hand is better and i have food for a night and a day p.74 seeing a bladder of a portuguese man of war floating near him, he said, agua mala, you whore p.35 the bladder was keeping the fish away from the boat.

P.58 in addition to that, he spoke to a bird that happened upon him in the middle of the sea. P.55 and of course, he spoke to the only thing that could understand the words, himself. After several days with little sleep, he was puling the fish up, and told himself, be calm and strong, old man p.91 at sea, he was at home, and he felt free to speak to everything, although nothing answered his questions, or reacted to his taunts. The old man and the sea is a book about the love story between an old, lonely man and his friend for life, the sea, along with the fish.

P.54 term paper title: expository essay the old man and the sea page count: 2.81 250 words per page double spaced expository essay the old man and the sea everyone has an arch enemy. P.54 source: essay uk disclaimer: free essays on expository essays posted on this site were donated by anonymous users and are provided for informational use only. The free expository essays research paper old man and the sea essay presented on this page should not be viewed as a sample of our on line writing service.

If you need fresh and competent research / writing on expository essays, use the professional writing service offered by our company. In this part of the story, he goes out and fights nature in the form of terrible forces and dangerous creatures, among them, a marlin, sharks and hunger. He starts the story in a small skiff and moves out in a journey to capture a fish after a long losing streak of eighty four days. Unfortunately his friend must desert him due to this problem and a greater force, his parents.

Earlier in the story, the first part of nature is himself, for which he must fight off his hunger. He manages though to get a few bites in the form of flying fish and dolphin of which he would like to have salt on. This part of the story tells of a cold and harsh sea, that is, one that has value and mystery as well as death and danger. It mainly deals with santiago as being a figure of christ and other characters as props, that is, characters which carry out the form of biblical themes. On the day before he leaves when he wakes up, manolin, his helper, comes to his aid with food and drink. Also a point that might be good is that he has had bad luck with his goal for a great period of time and is sure it will work this time.

Later, though, when santiago needs him for the quest he sets out to do, manolin deserts him, although he may not have wanted to at this time. In the novel santiago comes upon a force bigger than his skiff, the marlin which misleads him out far past his intended reach. This is where he starts to lose his strength against something which seems a greater force. Santiago has a struggle of three days, which is significent because of the three days in easter, and continues to fight on though his goal may not aquire anything. This is another idea through which christ did, a struggle to get a goal done even though it may mean certain destruction to himself. This might accomplish nothing but the satisfaction of doing this and also has great risks.

Finally he comes upon a painful experience with his hand which is in great pain and won't move. This is useful in the place where christ loses his physical self and has less to deal with. On the third day, he recovers himself and returns to his home even though his only remaining treasure was a broken skiff, experience, and a torn up marlin. And in the final conclusion, you can see him dragging the mast of his skiff, a cross like object, in his hand. Throughout the book it has this series of events: encounter, battle, defeat, and respect for the prey. The first to discuss are santiago and manolin, manolin being the small follower of the old man named santiago. They treat each other unfriendly though for manolin calls the santiago 'old man' and he calls manolin `boy' which seems to be absurd.

The next relationship to talk about would be that between santiago and the village, which seems to be much better. He is given credit for food and he also is waiting to show his greatness to the villageby catching a great fish as soon as he can. His thought on that, though, is that any fisherman can ctach it during the easy season but only a few can go out and catch one during the hard season. He has no consideration for the luck, and would rather try to fish through being exact rather than being lucky. Manolin seems to be very rebellious against his parents, although he does submit to their demands.

This story when compared to being imaginative is good, but in real life is somewhat of a `fish story'. The part where an old man being able to load in a ton of fish is very unimaginable. He goes out all alone into the depths of the ocean without an idea for what is in store.

This story has good points, for when it comes to the better parts of the story, it emphasizes by placing in mind step by step of the way he does certain actions. The part of the story which, to the best of my belief, had no part or reference in the story was the dream of lions on a beach of africa, which this fisherman probably had never even visited much less seeing lions on a beach. First characters are introduced, then a threat reveals itself, showing true natures of all the characters, and finally the threat is fought off or it remains, leaving the reader in suspense. Throughout the story he uses these terms over and over although the ordinary person, like me, would forget them after the first use of them and unfortunately he doesn't ever re coin the terms again throughout the book. The main idea though in this part is to let the reader get the feel for the life, setting and character of the fisherman himself. This is a great move to place yet is also very hard to co exist with the average reader. The reader must review the story and skim it in order to rethink the concept of the word.