American Popular Culture Essays Text

Jonathan Friesen - Writing Coach

The website provides resources for the critical analysis of popular culture in the us, including the impact of that culture beyond national borders. Resources include sites on various forms of popular culture, including music, film, television, advertising, sports, fashion, toys, magazines and comic books, and the medium in which this message moves, cyberculture. The site focuses on issues of race, ethnicity, class, gender, sexuality, cultural imperialism and censorship, as shaped by and reflected in various mass media.

This site also includes sections that introduce and give resources for four main types or elements of popular culture analysis. Production analysis, textual analysis, audience analysis, and historical analysis of the first three dimensions as they change over time. Also included are links to online pop culture courses, to journals treating popular culture, to some other key sites providing pop cultural analysis, and to media activist organizations that work to bring social justice critiques to mass media. use the navigation bar on the left to reach sites in all these areas. as with all internet sites, the locations referenced vary in quality and usefulness. Some are commercial sites valuable more as objects of knowledge than as producers of knowledge. Others are academic sites that teach ways to analyze pop culture, or offer substantial resources for doing your own analyses.

Since the internet seldom, if ever, provides all the information needed on a given topic, users interested in the serious study of mass mediated culture are also strongly urged to consult the accompanying bibliography of books on popular culture, and use that old fashioned, non virtual space known as the library. Some are aimed at the specific advertising practice represented, and some at questionable practices of the corporation sponsoring the ad. And all are aimed to remind us that a precious new public space, the world wide web, is in danger of becoming another space where only corporate free speech is protected. Note that each of the other sites also treat some elements of popular culture. Popular american culture is defined as modern day ways of life and things that are well known and commonly accepted or have cultural patterns that are prevalent in a populace.

The writer of this paper will compile an inventory of artifacts of popular culture that he has come into contact with and attempt to give them perspective. The influence of popular american culture on the author’s personal decision making will be discussed. The values, commonality and patterns associated with this inventory will also be addressed.

Essay Writing Youth Culture

First of all, the fact that i am part of the growing trend or phenomenon that is adult education is baffling. Many more adults are seeking to gain higher education credentials to advance their careers, the criteria which i participate. People age thirty or above comprise a majority of the adult college admissions, which i am also a part.

Is it ambition, the acquisition of wealth, pursuit of knowledge or acknowledgement? one can not really say. With the introduction of cable or satellite networks including dvds and blueray not to mention the obsolete videotape , the american people have become more fascinated with television than during its initial introduction in the 1950s. Without on of these networks attached, you only have about eight channels to choose from. I able and do watch a great deal of television programming, most of which is on cable stations. Hbo, trinity broadcasting network tbn , cnn cable news network , and sci fi channel are among my guilty pleasures. I can gain access to ways to acquire wealth or a supplement to my salary through infomercials, events that were before my existence on the history channel or insight into me as a black man on tvone by watching black men revealed. Programs can be recorded for later viewing when you are not able to watch at the airing time.