Academic Writing Mac Text

Jonathan Friesen - Writing Coach

Theacademic workflow is a representation of scholarship as a series of stages or steps connected to each other without gaps or duplication. Although simplified, the idea of the workflow helps to structure, develop, and communicate tools, knowledge and experience across various academic contexts. There are three essential stages of the academic workflow:

    capturing and processing existing knowledge.
this blog is dedicated to mac software and work techniques useful at each of the three stages as well as to cross cutting tools related to task and time management and general productivity. capturing and processing existing knowledge every academic has to capture, processing and organize information received in electronic, paper, or verbal form as well as his/her own thoughts and ideas. The mac software i use for these purposes includes apple mail with mailtags for email , nvalt and simplenote for notes , defaultfolderx. In the past i also tried and still use it to some extent leap, notational velocity, devonthink, sente, evernote, and houdahspot.

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Macademic posts on capturing and processing knowledge are filed under the following categories: email. In most of academia, especially in social sciences, the process of creating new knowledge is intricately connected to academic writing. My publications are typically finalized in apple pages for printing or distribution in the pdf format or in microsoft word 2011 for mac   for publishers. I prepare graphics in omnigraffle. in the past, i tried mellel for writing as well as bookends, endnote and sente for citations and references.

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Academic knowledge is primarily disseminated through teaching, publications the difference between alchemy and science is that the latter involves publishing! and presentations at scientific gatherings. My publications and essays are usually circulated in pdf format through email or dropbox. As other knowledge workers academics have to manage their projects, tasks and time at each of the three stages of the academic workflow. This blog is also about the benefits of automation which saves time and attention from routine to more creative and important tasks. Ulysses combines a focused experience with powerful tools to organize your writing workflow. We have teamed up with the nice folks at ulysses for the following tutorial to show you how to make papers and ulysses work together.

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A typical workflow would begin with collecting publications on a particular research topic. Then, when writing in ulysses, you would insert references to those publications using so called citekeys. As a final step, you export your text to a word processor to finish formatting the manuscript.

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Before getting to work, you need to set up the following preferences in both papers and ulysses. At the bottom, enable allow citekey insertion and set the format to papers citation 2: you’ll notice that a citekey looks something like this: . Click on the markup popup button at the top left and select new markup…: enter a new name for your markup e.g. Ensure you change the tag for annotations to use angular brackets lt gt instead of curly braces < >.

The reason for this is that in markdown xl, these braces are used as tags for annotations. Hence you want to keep the citekeys as they are and not convert them to annotations. Please note that you’ll have to switch the markup for every sheet where you’d like to insert citations. For external folders, you can only use regular markdown, which doesn’t include annotations anyway. Now you’re all set for inserting references with ulysses! proceed as follows: move your cursor to where you would like to create a reference and simply double press the ctrl key. A small window will appear, which lets you search for references in your papers library.

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Find the reference s you want to insert, press return and select insert citekey: you will now find the citekey inserted at the correct position in your text: once you’ve finished your manuscript, you can export it to docx and open it in a word processor. Please note that only some applications are supported by ulysses, among them microsoft word, textedit and pages 4. Select docx as export format and set the appropriate style i’m using academic paper here, available on ulysses style exchange . In word, double press ctrl again and select format manuscript: the look of your in text citations and the bibliography depends on the citation style selected in papers. For instance, when using the chicago manual of style, you’ll see author names and the year of the publication: other available citation styles may show numbers in angle brackets or superscripted numbers with footnotes.